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Tuesday 10 January 2012

Jayaprakash Narayan's Kidneys were Damaged during the Emergency

Jayaprakash Narayan's Kidneys were
Damaged during the Emergency
    During the Emergency imposed on India in 1975, Jayaprakash Narayan and most of the other Opposition leaders were put in prison by the Congress Government. At that time, Indira Gandhi was the Prime Minister who had acquired the powers of a dictator. 
    While Jayaprakash Narayan (JP) was in prison, it is believed that his kidneys were permanently damaged due to the wrong treatment given to him by the doctors. After his kidneys were damaged, JP had to undergo dialysis treatment a number of times every week till the end of his life. The damage to his kidneys permanently disabled JP, which prevented him from taking any active part in politics.
    After the Emergency, the Congress Party was completely routed in the General Elections to the Lok Sabha. It now seems that the Congress Party has completely forgotten the lessons its leaders had learnt about the effects and results of the Emergency.
   Ashok  T. Jaisinghani.
Note: The message shown above was emailed twice, on January 6
as well as on January 7, to a number of people, but it has still not
been received by them. So I am sending it for the third time today.
I may NOT be able to correspond with others in future,
as my emails are being blocked by the Internet Servers
on orders of the Government of India.

----- Original Message -----
Sent: 04 Jan 2012 12:44 PM
Subject: Re: Is Anna Hazare's Health Permanently Damaged?

Sri Jaisinghani,
All Indians at all levels wake up! Wake up now!
Since Sonia and others taking over Congress Party,
it is understandable if the controls have gone in the
hands of mafias whose philosophy is (as it is in Italy),
'if one doesn't give what we want bump him off '.
p.s. please forward to all your friends.

----- Original Message -----
From: N Hirani
Sent: 03 Jan 2012 11:10 PM
Subject: Fwd: Is Anna Hazare's Health Permanently Damaged?

Hare Krishna
Ashok T Jaisinghani
In India everything is for sale in Congi Raj if you can pay right money. Doctors are like Kasai, like taxi driver, if you don't agree with the price in the beginning, they will charge what they like at the end, it depends how deep is your pocket.
So if Congi is not around buying people around Anna Hazare, i would be most surprised, people who would pay 35 Lakhaa of bounty (Soparee) to kill Anna Hazare, and who plant people like swami Aganivasa as spy on Anna Hazare.
What would they not do to kill Anna Hazare?

From: Ashok T. Jaisinghani <ashokjai!>
To: HindToday <>
Cc: Arvind Pradhan <>; Arya Youth Group <>; Arvind Kejriwal Parivartan <>; N Hirani <>; Naresh Khanna <>; Prem Kumar Sabhlok <>; Rajinder Puri <>; Raksha.Aggarwal <>; Dr. Babu Suseelan <>
Sent: Tuesday, 3 January 2012, 12:32
Subject: Is Anna Hazare's Health Permanently Damaged?

Is Anna Hazare's Health Permanently Damaged?
    It has become very clear that Anna Hazare, who has been in hospital since 31 December, has become very sick and extremely weak. Did any doctor give Anna Hazare antibiotics and other strong medicines on the day he had fasted on 27 December? The doctor can be blamed for permanently damaging Anna Hazare's health through extreme negligence. It is very dangerous for even a healthy person to take any strong medicines when the stomach is empty, as it happens in the case of fasting or starvation. Anna Hazare was known to be very sick even before he began his fast on 27 December. So he should NOT have been given any strong medicines by his doctors when he was fasting.
    The doctors who had given antibiotics and any other strong medicines to Anna Hazare on 27 December, the day he had fasted, should be arrested and charged with extreme negligence, as they had endangered the life of Anna Hazare. Even vitamin pills should not be given to a person who is fasting, as the vitamin pills are extremely harmful if they are consumed by a fasting or starving person. We must know that the consumption of vitamin pills cannot do any good to the poor people who do not have food to eat. The consumption of vitamin pills can only do great harm to starving people.
    A big conspiracy may have been hatched by some politicians to make Anna Hazare very sick, so that he is unable to campaign against the Congress Party before the forthcoming elections to the Assemblies of the 5 states of UP, Panjab, Uttarakhand, Goa and Manipur. Are any doctors being used by some politicians to make Anna Hazare very sick to prevent him from campaigning against the Congress Party?
    The supporters of Anna Hazare should know that there is no use in deifying him, and worshipping him as an Avtaar of God, as he will continue to be a human being who cannot defy the Laws of Nature. He cannot become a divine personality who will suffer no harm, in spite of taking strong medicines while he is on a fast. Anna Hazare could have even lost his life if he had continued his fast while taking antibiotics and other strong medicines.
Can CEC Quraishi favor Congress Party?
    Why did Anna Hazare go on a fast if he had decided to campaign against the Congress Party before the assembly elections to the 5 states? He should have made himself as healthy as possible before launching a long and difficult campaign in the 5 states.
    Finally, why did Chief Election Commissioner S Y Quraishi criticize Anna Hazare's decision to work against the Congress Party during the campaign for the elections to the 5 states? According to which law, Anna Hazare and his followers can be prevented from campaigning against the Congress Party?
    Does the CEC have a right to show a bias for or against any political party? Directly or indirectly, has CEC Quraishi not favored the Congress Party by criticizing Anna Hazare's decision? Why has CEC Quraishi favored the Congress Party?
   Ashok  T. Jaisinghani.

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