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Wednesday 27 February 2013

सुरक्षा-सुविधा की गारंटी दीजिये रेलमंत्री

सुरक्षा-सुविधा की गारंटी दीजिये रेलमंत्री

केवल एक चौथाई दुरी पर विद्युत् ट्रेनें 
देश के रेलमंत्री पवन कुमार बंसल आज संसद में रेल बजट पेश करेंगे. रेलमंत्री से लोगों की ढेर सारी अपेक्षाएं भी हैं. आमजन की सर्वाधिक दिलचस्पी रेल किराए और सुरक्षा-सुविधाओं को लेकर है. लोगों के मन में यह आशंका बनी हुई है कि डीजल मूल्य में वृद्धि से रेल किराए में वृद्धि हो सकती है...

अरविंद जयतिलक
पिछले दिनों रेल किराए में जब वृद्धि की गयी तो रेलमंत्री ने भरोसा दिया कि बजट सत्र में पुनः रेल किराए में वृद्धि नहीं की जाएगी, लेकिन बजट पेश करने से एक दिन पहले रेलमंत्री ने 25 फरवरी को रेल किराए में वृद्धि का संकेत दे दिये. कोई दो राय नहीं कि एक दशक से रेल किराए में वृद्धि न होने से रेल खस्ताहाल में है. उसका घाटा लगातार बढ़ता जा रहा है. लेकिन इसके लिए आमजन दोषी  नहीं है. सच यह है कि रेल की दुर्दशा के लिए सरकार की नीतियां और रेल मंत्रालय की कार्यप्रणाली जिम्मेदार है.
सवाल रेल किराए में वृद्धि तक ही सीमित नहीं है. सवाल यह है कि क्या रेल मंत्री किराए में वृद्धि के साथ यात्रियों की सुरक्षा और सुविधाओं का भी विस्तार करेंगे? क्या आए दिन हो रहे रेल हादसों पर लगाम लगेगा? क्या रेल से जुड़ी आधारभूत परियोजनाएं जो अभी तक अधूरी हैं वह पूरी होंगी? ढेरों ऐसे सवाल हैं जिनका उत्तर रेलमंत्री को रेल बजट में देना होगा. 
भारतीय रेल एशिया का सबसे बड़ा और एक प्रबंधन के तहत दुनिया का सबसे बड़ा नेटवर्क है. लेकिन सेवा और गुणवत्ता के मामले में उसका रिकार्ड बेहद घटिया और असंतुष्टों करने वाला है. पिछले वर्षों  में सैकड़ों रेल हादसे हो चुके हैं. इन हादसों में हजारों लोगों की जानें जा चुकी है. दुर्घटना की मुख्य वजह ट्रेन का पटरी से उतरना, रेलवे स्टाफ व उपकरणों की विफलता, टक्कर एवं तोड़फोड़ रहा है. लेकिन उसे सुरक्षित रखने का कोई सार्थक उपाय नहीं ढुंढा जा सका है. हर दुर्घटना के बाद समितियों का गठन होता है और इंफ्रास्ट्रक्चर को मजबूत करने का राग अलापा जाता है. लेकिन समितियों की सिफारिशों  कुड़ेदान का हिस्सा बनकर रह जाती हैं. कारण धन की कमी बताया जाता है. 
वर्ष  1962 में कुंजरु कमेटी का गठन हुआ. इस समिति ने 359 सिफारिशों  दी. 1968 में गठित बांचू समिति ने 499 सिफारिशों  के साथ रेल दुर्घटनाओं के लिए रेल कर्मचारियों को जिम्मेदार माना और रेलवे ट्रैक की अल्ट्रासोनिक जांच की सिफारि'ा की. लेकिन सिफारिशों  को दरकिनार कर दिया गया. 1978 में गठित सीकरी समिति ने रेलवे संरक्षा पर 484 और 1998 में गठित खन्ना समिति ने 278 सुझाव दिए. इनके द्वारा विशेष  रेल संरक्षा कोश  की स्थापना की बात कही गयी. लेकिन आज तक उसका अनुपालन नहीं हुआ. 2011 में गठित काकोदकर समिति ने संरक्षा कार्यों पर एक लाख करोड़ रुपए खर्च करने की बात कही. साथ ही रेल ट्रैक से लेकर सिग्नल प्रणाली, रोलिंग स्टाक, नई तकनीकें एवं नए उपकरणों को चुस्त-दुरुस्त करने की सलाह दी. इसके अतिरिक्त अनुसंधान ढांचे में वि'वस्तरीय बदलाव पर जोर दिया. 
तकरीबन हर सिफारिशों में कहा गया कि रेलवे का मौजूदा ट्रैक ज्यादा वजन ढोने वाली मालगाडि़यों के अनुकूल नहीं है. अंतर्राष्ट्रीय स्तर की मजबूत पटरियां बिछाकर इसे चुस्त-दुरुस्त किया जा सकता है. रेल इंजन, वैगन और डिजायन सब पुराने पड़ चुके हैं. इन्हें आधुनिक रुप दिया जाना जरुरी है. काकोदकर समिति ने रेलवे में कलपुर्जों की खरीद और उनकी गुणवत्ता पर भी सवाल उठाया. समिति ने कहा है कि सैकड़ों साल पुराने पड़ चुके रेल पुल बेहद खतरनाक स्थिति में हैं और भयंकर दुर्घटनाओं को न्यौता दे रहे हैं. यथाशीघ्र  उनका पुनर्निमाण किया जाना जरुरी है. 
समिति ने आश्चर्य व्यक्त किया कि 14000 से अधिक रेलवे क्रासिंगों पर सुरक्षा का कोई बंदोबस्त नहीं है. सलाह के तौर पर समिति ने यहां चैकीदार या ओवरब्रिज बनाने की बात कही. लेकिन उसका अनुपालन होगा कहना कठिन है. हर दुर्घटना के बाद ट्रेन प्रोटेक्शन एंड वार्निंग सिस्टम यानी टीपीडब्लूएस को लागू करने की जुगाली की जाती है. लेकिन आज तक उसे लागू नहीं किया गया. जबकि उसका ट्रायल हो चुका है. जो सबसे बड़ा सवाल है वह आधुनिकीकरण पर खर्च होने वाले धन की उपलब्धता की. जो रेलवे के पास नहीं है. 
जानकर आश्चर्य होगा कि उसकी पुरानी संपत्तियों को बदलने के लिए मूल्यह्नास आरक्षित निधि यानी डीआरएफ में डालने के लिए भी पैसा नहीं है. कुछ यही हाल उसके विकास निधि का भी है. यह किसी से छिपा नहीं है कि रेलवे को चुस्त-दुरुस्त बनाए रखने के लिए हर साल रेल बजट के माध्यम से नई नीतियों और महत्वपूर्ण योजनाओं की घो"ाणा कर दी जाती है. ट्रेनों की संख्या बढ़ायी जाती है. राजनीतिक लाभ के लिए कई परियोजनाओं सहित रुट विस्तार का वादा किया जाता है. लेकिन पैसे के अभाव में सभी घोषणाएं और योजनांए दम तोड़ देती हैं. रेलवे की हर रोज कमाई तकरीबन 245 करोड़ रुपए से अधिक है. लेकिन खर्च उससे भी अधिक. 
रेल रुट तकरीबन 63000 किलोमीटर है. लेकिन धनाभाव के कारण केवल 16000 किलोमीटर विद्युतीकरण कार्य हो सका है. धन की कमी के कारण नए रेल रुट का विस्तार नहीं हो रहा है. स्टेशनों पर बुनियादी सुविधाएं नदारद हैं. खानपान की शिकायतें कई बार सतह पर आ चुकी हैं. रेल डिब्बों में साफ-सफाई की हालत गंभीर है. आज से पांच साल पहले रेलवे के पास 20000 करोड़ रुपए से अधिक का सरप्लस हुआ करता था. लेकिन आज रेल आर्थिक तंगी में है. धनाभाव के कारण हाईस्पीड कारीडोर, वल्र्ड क्लास स्टेशनों, डेडीकेटेड फ्रेट कारिडोर, नए इंजन एवं रेल कोच कारखानों समेत कई परियोजनाएं ठप्प पड़ी हैं. 
संभावना जतायी जा रही थी कि निजी क्षेत्र की भागीदारी से परियोजनाओं को गति देने में मदद मिलेगी लेकिन वह भी ढाक का तीन पात साबित हुआ है. रेलवे की वित्तीय स्थिति बेहद खतरनाक अवस्था में है. एक आंकड़े के मुताबिक 2010-11 में सकल राजस्व प्राप्तियां 89,229 करोड़ रुपए रही. जबकि वर्किंग खर्च 83,685 करोड़ रुपए और वेतन खर्च 51,237 करोड़ रुपए रहा. ऐसे में रेलवे की दुर्दशा को आसानी से समझा जा सकता है. सवाल उठना लाजिमी है कि रेलवे को चाक-चैबंद रखने के लिए सरकार और रेल मत्रालय धन कहां से जुटाएगा? वर्तमान रेल किराया बढ़ाने से सिर्फ 6600 करोड़ का आएगा. विगत एक दशक में संकीर्ण राजनीतिक कारणों की वजह से रेल किराए में वृद्धि नहीं हुई है. जिससे रेल घाटा खतरनाक स्थिति में पहुंच चुका है. 
अगर हर साल थोड़ी वृद्धि हुई होती तो आज जनता पर भारी बोझ नहीं पड़ता और  न ही रेल को संकट से जुझना पड़ता. इन परिस्थितियों के लिए हमारी सरकारें ही जिम्मेदार हैं. आज जरुरत इस बात की है कि रेल मंत्रालय रेलवे की आमदनी बढ़ाने का समुचित जरिया तलाशें. अनुत्पादक कार्यों में खर्च कम करे. सुरक्षा संबधित अधूरी पड़ी महत्वपूर्ण योजनाओं और यात्री सुविधाओं का विस्तार करे. गाडि़यों की संख्या बढ़ाए. सिर्फ जनता पर बोझ लादने से उसकी समस्या का अंत नहीं होने वाला.
arvind -aiteelakअरविंद जयतिलक राजनितिक टिप्पणीकार हैं. 

Why Hyderabad Investigations are doomed to fail

Jamia Teachers’ Solidarity Association

Why Hyderabad Investigations are doomed to fail

In a grotesque replay of every investigation that follows a bomb blast, prejudice, misinformation and media blitz rules the direction of Dilsukh Nagar bombings investigation too.  The same suspects and shadowy organizations are being paraded as executors of the Hyderabad bombings.

But should we be surprised? A day after the Home Minister’s humiliating capitulation to the RSS-BJP, virtually giving them and their affiliates a clean chit, the message to the investigating agencies must have been crystal clear.  When the Home Minister himself discards the bulk of allegations and material pointing to the existence of Hindutva groups in planning and executing terror attacks, should we really expect the investigating agencies, whose past record inspires hardly any confidence, to sincerely pursue all possible angles and leads? This, when Messrs Aseemanand and company are being tried for the 2007 bombing of the Mecca Masjid.  By asserting that Hyderabad bombing may have been a reaction to the execution of Kasab and Afzal Guru, the Home Minister himself foreclosed any possibility of unbiased investigation.

 Hyderabad Police: Can we trust them with the investigations?
The same Hyderabad Police which had, in the aftermath of the Mecca Masjid, raided Muslim mohallas, rounded up scores of young men, tortured them at private farmhouses, alleged to have recovered RDX, arms and ammunition, jihadi literature, incriminating cellphone records and laptops, as well records of journey to foreign countries for terror-training by these young men – all proven to be false now – have been entrusted with the investigation of the Dilsukh Nagar blasts. Have we already forgotten that the additional metropolitan Sessions Judges in throwing out the two related cases of Mecca Masjid blast found the police unable to produce any evidence except for the confessional statements of the accused – statements which had obviously been extracted under harsh and brutal torture, as attested by the Advocate Ravi Chander report.
And sure enough, the various SITs formed by the Hyderabad Police have knocked on the same doors. Mohammed Rayeesuddin, Mohammed Azmath, Arshed Khan, Abdul Raheem, and Abdul Kareem were detained for questioning, while Dr. Ibrahim Ali Junaid was hounded over the phone. Not only were the same people targeted once again, the methods were no improvement over 2007: the same surreptitious whisking away without information to relatives, reviving the horrors of 2007.   
Why have the police officers, who indulged in and who supervised the frame-ups in the 2007 Mecca Masjid blasts, not been punished? Indeed, Hyderabad investigations demand that the policemen who deliberately tried to fabricate and derail a genuine probe the last time, be first punished. What is the guarantee that they will not influence the course of investigation of the recent twin blasts as well? Is there any reason for us to believe that they will not avenge the humiliation of their 2007 fiasco by harassing their victims, many of whom have filed a civil suit seeking damages for their illegal detention and torture? 

The detentions of Rayeesuddin and others have in fact again confirmed our fears of collusion and complicity between the Andhra and Gujarat Police over encounter killings and communal witch-hunts.  Rayeesuddin is key witness to the cold-blooded murder of Mujahid Salim Islahi by the Gujarat encounter specialist Narendra Amin - currently in jail for Sohrabuddin fake encounter, another instance of the ‘cooperation’ between the police of the two states - at the Lakdi ka pul police station in Hyderabad in 2004.  While the Hyderabad Police has shown no inclination to pursue the case against Amin, not even once seeking his custody, there is reason to believe that the cases against Rayeesuddin are a way to intimidate him into withdrawing his witness in the case. In fact, many of the terror accusations against Muslim youth in Hyderabad relate to this incident in 2004.  

In sum, the Hyderabad police has shown itself to be thoroughly communal and corrupt, and should not be entrusted with the investigations of the Dilsukhnagar blasts.

Media Trial: Return of the Stenographers
Lack of journalistic skills and ethics, a perverse sense of ‘national interest’, the mad rush for TRPs has produced a lethal cocktail of ‘breaking news’, each more pernicious than the other. If nothing else, one has to admire the media’s consistency: their refusal to learn from their past gaffes and their unrestrained urge to act as judge, jury and executioner. So what if they flash the photograph of the recently assassinated MQM leader Manzar Imam as one of the key accused? MQM-MIM-IM, all the same, as long as it’s a bearded face and a name that fits. 

Confessions and Interrogation reports are being dramatized on prime time. Hawala transactions via Dubai, and dark conspiracies are being breathlessly screamed about, slowly coagulating a narrative of guilt. One could have dismissed these televised kangaroo courts as mere rantings, if only they did not play a role in keeping accused in custody for long periods.  While in many cases, this media trial may not affect the eventual outcome of the trial; it is enough to pressure the courts into denying the accused bail repeatedly, and even the accused from moving bail applications.  Just six months ago, Muti Ur Rehman, a reporter with Deccan Herald, was touted as “the face of modern violent Islamic extremism”. He was held up as an example of how “the profile of the various groups who come under the rubric of the 'Indian Mujahideen', can be from any segment of society.”

While the NIA has now failed to even file a charge sheet against Rehman and his two roommates, also falling in the educated Jihadi profile, the media’s unrelenting mastermind hype ensured that he spent close to six months in jail.  

In other cases, we know, that such biased reporting can manufacture a ‘collective conscience’ that demands retribution even where guilt is not established beyond reasonable doubt. It is this power that the media gloats over, and in its crazed delirium, forgets that it is human lives they destroy by uncritically relaying the deliberate leaks by agencies as scoops and investigations. If appeals for restraint and previous mistakes breed no introspection, then perhaps large-scale defamation suits would be the only deterrence.  

So grave is the situation now that that the Chief Justice was forced to admit recently that (media trial) “can prejudice against an accused in a case.”

 What about Pune and Nashik modules?
As proof of IM’s existence, security experts and agencies have cited the emails that the organisation purportedly sent after every blast they executed. Though no emails were forthcoming this time, the BJP Chief of Andhra Pradesh, G. Krishan Reddy, received by post (not known whether it was speed post favoured by the Home Ministry) a letter from LeT, claiming responsibility for the blasts.
While the investigating agencies see an IM module in every Muslim concentrated town and a sleeper cell in every madrasa, they must explain why those organisations currently being tried for exploding bombs in the same city in 2007 are not even being mentioned as potential suspects. While forensic evidence is still being collected and analyzed – much of it destroyed by the media trampling all over the site – agencies through trusted mouthpieces are chanting about the discovery of trademark IM bombs.  What is the basis of this claim? Media reports suggest that Dilsukh Nagar bomb was an IED, as indeed was in the Mecca masjid blast.  In December last year, not many months ago, the NIA arrested Tej Ram, which it accuses of planting an IED at Mecca Masjid, the one that did not explode. His alleged partner Rajender Choudhary, whose IED did go off, has been in NIA’s custody for a while now.  Given that Tej Ram was arrested only months ago, and given also that many of the key aides of Aseemanand and Purohit are still at large, why is there an absolute refusal to pursue that line of investigation?

Are we to forget the conversations between the retired Major Ramesh Upadhyay and the serving colonel in the Army, Purohit, which revealed not in their ability to procure explosives but also their international linkages and patronage?  To quote:

Maj. (Retd.) Ramesh Upadhyay:“...for example what happened in Hyderabad Mosque or at other places was not done by anybody from ISI; it was done by our person. On the basis of my information, I can say that it was done by this particular person.[ …]
Lt. Col. Purohit:“...I have done two operations. They were successful Swamiji (Dayanand Pandey), I have the capacity to carry out operations. I have no dearth of equipment [explosives]. Once I decide I can procure the equipment...”

Lt. Col. Purohit: “...I am in contact with Israel. One of our captains has visited Israel. Very positive response from their side. They have said “You show us something on ground”. [...] Secondly, they say they cannot support us in the international forum under the present circumstances for two years, till our movement does not gather some momentum. Political asylum any time; equipment and training once we show something on ground. I am trying to achieve that...”

What has happened to the full contents of the laptops recovered by the late Mr. Hemant Karkare? We fear that they may be destroyed to hide the names and details of Right wing terrorists. It is surprising that while one elite anti-terror agency has leaked the Interrogation Report of a suspect to the media, there has been a silencing and secreting of the contents of the two laptops.
The full contents of these laptops should be transcribed and placed in public domain with immediate effect. These transcripts are neither confessions, disclosures nor statements made in police custody – whose genuineness is vitiated by the fact that custodial confessions carry the threat of real or potential violence – these are recordings of their own conversations made by the men themselves under no duress or pressure.
And it might be in order to remember here too that Aseemanand’s ‘confession’ was not made in police custody either, but to the Delhi Metropolitan Magistrate under section 164 CrPC, after he was given two days to reflect upon his decision, as is required to ascertain the voluntary nature of the confession. Those commentators and TV anchors who push the virtuous line that terror has no religion whenever Hindutva terror is as much as mentioned, would do well to reflect on this civilized adherence to procedure against the horrors of torture endured by the young men of Hyderabad in 2007 whose private parts were electrocuted to extract confessions from them.

While NIA teams raid villages and towns in Bihar, and interrogate ‘IM terrorists’ anew, a man whose name has consistently appeared in Ajmer blast chargesheet, in Purohit’s interrogation and Aseemanand’s confession, remains free. No raids at the home or office of Indresh Kumar, national executive member and the sahprachar pramukh in the RSS, who is said to have been present at a secret meeting to plan the Ajmer Sharif bombing, held in a Gujarati guesthouse in Jaipur on October 31, 2005, in which six other functionaries of the RSS were also present; and who is named by Aseemanand to have financed the now conveniently murdered Sunil Joshi’s terror activities. Has a deal been struck to absolve Indresh of all allegations of involvement in terrorism?

Having just exorcised the ghosts of his Jaipur statement, the Home Minister would probably not want to be reminded of this: but the Nanded and Malegaon investigations pointed to arms trainings and camps at Bhonsale Military School in Nashik. But who dare raid Bhonsale Military School, set up by the ardent fascist B.S. Moonje, and at whose platinum jubilee celebrations almost exactly a year ago, Mohan Bhagwat was the main speaker? A madrasa in Hyderabad is easier to pull down and interrogation of a cleric – even one who has been in jail for a while – likely to fetch you more popularity. “Highly placed intelligence sources” are therefore letting it known through their friends in the media that they intend to question Abdul Nasir Madni, old, ailing and nearly blind.

What we are seeing is not simply a blatant and deep institutional prejudice playing out. It is as if our institutions are hell bent on ensuring that injustice is not only done, but also seen to be done. For all the inane and pious assertions of ‘Let’s not politicize terror’, in fact terrorism has been the subject of the most cynical political competition. Vulnerable targets are being picked on. Hindutva terror is being denied under pressure from the RSS BJP combine and a rabble-rousing media. None – neither the UPA which hoped to add muscle to its anti-terror image by hanging Kasab and Afzal; nor the BJP, the original tough guys, nor the hawks who froth at the mouth demanding blood on TV, are concerned with the fact that the mastermind of the biggest terror attack is safely secreted in the US, having cut a deal with the US agencies, will never be tried for his crimes in India. The continuous cries of Lashkar by various investigative agencies in the aftermath of the Hyderabad blasts should surely fuel the demand for David Headley’s extradition?

Only a genuine and unbiased probe will be a true homage to those who lost their lives in the utterly senseless violence of Dilsukh Nagar bombings.  But sadly, that doesn’t appear likely.

Released on 26th February 2013-02-26

No fare hike this time but 5-6% every year!Govt pushes for austerity as railways to lose Rs 24,600cr as Rail freight hike on diesel may lead to rise in retail prices!

No fare hike this time but 5-6% every year!Govt pushes for austerity as railways to lose Rs 24,600cr as Rail freight hike on diesel may lead to rise in retail prices!

The vote equation centred tradition is well defended. Claps for the congress railway minister after fifteen years!

Rail Budget 2013: Drafted with a vengeance to West Bengal, says TMC

Palash Biswas

It was well set question paper for first Railway Minister from congress after fifteen years. He answered as the examiners wished. It is growth oriented railway budget to push economic reforms. Fiscal defecit has been the eternal theme song for the corporate policy making and governance. The railway minister danced to the set tune all the way. Our didi, the fire brand leader from Bengal had announced projects in Bengal costing more than seventy crores. The ralilway minister mocked her allowing only ten crore for four thousnad crore noap[ara barracjpore metro ral project. Other projects costing thousnd crores just get around 150 to 250 crores. All factories and hospitals mentioned in didqs budget have been discarded in retail.while he has been very generous to states like Rajsthan ignoring UP and Bihar. The vote equation centerd tradition is well defended. Claps for the congress railway minister after fifteen years!

Trinamool Congress Members of Parliament created a ruckus in the Lok Sabha (lower house of parliament) on Tuesday when railway minister Pawan Kumar Bansal presented his maiden budget claiming that Bengal has been neglected.

Bengal was certainly not expecting the largess that former railway minister and present West Bengal Chief Minsiter Mamata Banerjee bestowed on the state but curtailing the projects will certainly hit the development of the state.
No new Metro Railway projects have been announced. Banerjee had sanctioned 13 projects for a distance of 312 kilometres. In all likelihood, these won’t go beyond the survey stage. A number of Metro projects under construction at present have hit roadblocks, an official said.

“The total project cost for these was Rs1.2 trillion [Dh81.4 billion]. In the last two budgets, Rs10 billion of this was allocated. The actual spending till January 2013 was a mere Rs1 billion. For a project that is likely to take five years to complete, the spending in the first year would be only about 10 per cent. It was poor planning to have allocated such huge sums at the start. This was Mamata Banerjee’s effort to get mileage. Now that Rs9 billion has remained unutilised, nobody is sure whether funds will be available when they are actually required,” said an official of the Indian railways.

Losses of the Indian Railways are estimated to increase to Rs 24,600 crore ($4.55 billion) in the financial year ending March 31 due to a sharp rise in input costs, resulting in "deterioration of services", railway minister Pawan Kumar Bansal said on Tuesday.Railways on Tuesday hiked freight rates for moving diesel and cooking fuels by almost 8 per cent, a move that may result in marginal hike in retail fuel prices. Freight on diesel was increased by 5.79 per cent to Rs 1,041.80 per tonne from Rs 984.80 a tonne currently.The same on kerosene went up by 5.79 per cent from Rs 886.30 per tonne to Rs 937.60 a tonne and that on liquified petroleum gas (LPG) by 5.79 per cent to Rs 937.60 a tonne.Sources said it was unlikely that the government, which is hard pressed for finances, would agree to taking on additional burden and the freight increase is likely to be passed on to consumers. The increase in retail rates of diesel, LPG and kerosene that is needed because of the freight increase is yet to be calculated.

The rates exclude development charge and busy season charges which essentially means that actual hike for oil companies would be higher, according to the Railway Budget for 2013-14 presented in Parliament by railway minister P K Bansal.

Oil companies transport over about 32-33 per cent of diesel, LPG and kerosene through railways and the hike in freight will either have to be passed on to consumers or have to be accounted as under-recoveries which the government would compensate from the general Budget.

Terming the Railway Budget for 2012-13 as "practical and implementable", finance minister P Chidambaram on Tuesday said that his cabinet colleague Pawan Kumar Bansal has presented the finances of the railways in a very candid manner.

"The railway minister has presented a very responsible, practical and implementable budget," Chidambram told reporters outside Parliament.

Chidambaram, who will present the General Budget for fiscal 2012-13 on February 28, said, "Within the resources the railways can mobilise, I think he (Bansal) has done a remarkable job of providing new trains, new lines, extensions, capital works and production facilities."

On the financial conditions of the railways, he said, "I think after many years, he (the Minister) has candidly stated the finances of the railways... I think it is a very commendable budget.

Presenting the annual Budget of his ministry, Bansal said the loss, which was Rs 4,955 crore in 2001-02, surged to Rs 22,500 crore in 2011-12 and is estimated to rise to Rs 24,600 crore in the current financial year.Bansal said the increase in diesel prices last month had added Rs 3,330 crore to Railway's fuel bill. Also, adding to its burden, is electricity tariffs that are revised periodically.

"The increase in fuel bill during 2013-14 on account of these revisions would be more than Rs 5,100 crore," he said while proposing an across-the-board increase in freight charges of over 5 per cent.

And to cut the mounting losses, the railways would maintain financial discipline.

Key outside UPA allies Samajwadi Party and Bahujan Samaj Party on Tuesday slammed the Rail budget, saying it was anti-poor and ignored areas of Uttar Pradesh which need rail infrastructure for economic development.

"I have never seen such an anti-people budget in my political life.... This is a budget for can give new trains for Rae Bareli (Lok Sabha constituency of Congress chief Sonia Gandhi), but don't ignore Bundelkhand and Poorvanchal," SP chief Mulayam Singh Yadav told reporters outside Parliament House.

BSP supremo Mayawati expressed similar sentiments saying the rail budget was a "disappointment".

"The poor and middle classes will not benefit much from it.... Fare has been hiked through backdoor," she said.

The Railway Budget for 2013-14 today spared passengers from any further hike in fares but raised various other charges on tickets along with freight tariff of less than 5%.

The ruling Trinamool Congress has dubbed the railway budget as "anti-aam admi" and against the interests of West Bengal. The budget will cripple the prospects of many key railway projects in West Bengal and has been revengeful towards the state. Trinamool Congress MP Sougata Roy told reporters in New Delhi that "the railway budget is direction less.

It's an anti-aam admi budget and there have been attempts to undermine Mamata Banerjee's role as a former railway minister. Meagre amount of money has been allocated for all the railway projects in West Bengal and the budget has been made with vengeance against West Bengal." "For example, around Rs 700 crore was needed for the Kanchrapara coach factory, but only Rs 2 crore has been allocated in the budget. Same are the fates of other railway projects like East-West Metro and expansion of railway tracks in the state.

There is a deliberate attempt to undermine projects mooted by Mamata Banerjee during her tenure as railway minister," Roy also told ET when contacted over phone. He also pointed out that "we are very dissatisfied with the plan of constituting railway tariff regulatory authority which should be set up by the parliament. If this new board is formed, it will certainly undermine the parliament also. The Congress will have to pay price for it. We will agitate and protest against it politically."

Meanehile, West Bengal Congress has welcomed the railway budget and contradicted Trinamool's opposition. "Not a single railway project in West Bengal has been shelved. Budgetary allocation for some projects in and around Kolkata have been curtailed because the railway could not achieve much progress in regard to implementation of those projects due to the negative role played by the state government. Mamata Banerjee's government has not acquired land for these railway projects and for which the railway could not achieve progress in regard to their implementations," West Bengal Pradesh Congress Committee (WBPCC) president Pradip Bhattacharjee told ET over phone.

He also claimed that not a single railway project announced by Mamata Banerjee as a railway minister had been abandoned by the railway ministry. "Trinamool Congress is trying to extract political mileage by opposing the budget even though it did not scrap a single project declared by Mamata Banerjee as the railway minister," he added.

The railway projects in and around Kolkata which received poor budgetary allocation include Joka-BBD Bag Metro rail, Noapara-Airport-Barasat rail link, Airport to New Gaira metro rail project and Barasat-Barrackpore-Dakshineswar Metro project. The CPIM has also opposed the railway budget.

"The railway budget will certainly add more burden on the common people. After increasing railway fares by 20 per cent a few months back, the Centre has imposed fuel surcharge and increased the cost of reservation and cancellation of railway tickets. All these will increase the cost of travelling by rail," the CPIM has said in a statement.

"Austerity and economy in expenditure will be observed by the railways rigorously and no wastage will be permitted," said Bansal.

He hoped that the fiscal measures taken by his ministry would help improve the railways' financial condition in the coming years.

"As a result of our consistent efforts at maintaining strict financial discipline during the year, the operating ratio is estimated at 88.8 percent. This is a source of great satisfaction as the operating ratio has consistently been over 90 per cent since 1997-98."

Bansal said the Indian Railways planned to invest Rs 63,363 crore ($11.5 billion) in the financial year beginning April 1 mainly on expansion of tracks and improving passenger safety measures.

The total planned investment for the current financial year has been lowered from Rs 60,100 crore to Rs 52,265 crore.

The Planning Commission has tentatively pegged the railways investment target for the 12th Five Year Plan period (2012-17) at Rs.5.19 lakh crore, with a budgetary support of Rs.1.94 lakh crore and railways internal resources of Rs 1.05 lakh crore.

"The thrust of the plan is on doubling of tracks, safety and passenger and staff welfare, for which I have increased the outlay from about Rs 11,410 crore in 2012-13 to Rs.13,220 crore, an increase of 16 per cent," Bansal said.

Bansal said the railway would get Rs 26,000 crore budgetary support in the current financial year to finance its plan expenditure.

Other sources of financing included Rs 14,260 crore from the railway's internal resources and Rs 2,000 crore from the railway's share in road safety fund.

There was a plan to raise Rs 15,103 crore from the market and mobilise Rs 6,000 crore through public-private-partnership (PPP) route to fund its expansion plans in 2013-14.

Bansal said 500 km of new railway lines would be built and 450 km of narrow and medium gauge lines would be converted into broad gauge lines in the financial year beginning April 1, 2013.

The government has also set a target to double 750 km of single railway lines.

"The growth of Indian Railways is inextricably linked with the growth of the country," Bansal said in his 80-minute budget speech in Lok Sabha, that bordered on populism with a fair dose of measures on fiscal discipline.

"Railways must remain financially sustainable. Resources generated must be ploughed back," he said in what was the last such annual exercise for the United Progressive Alliance (UPA) government before the next general elections, scheduled in 2014.

But Bansal said there will be no major fare hikes this time, having already revised them last month. He nevertheless proposed minor revisions in some charges, such as those for tatkal and reservations. He also called for a routine 5-6 percent fare hike every year.

On freight, he said, there will be an upward revision of 5-6 percent from April 1 to balance the hike in fuel costs. He said freight and passenger fares must be de-linked from the fuel costs with periodic automatic adjustments.

Bansal said while making all these proposals, he was happy to note that the operating ratio of Indian Railways -- the money spent on recurring costs such as salaries and interest to earn Rs 1 in revenue -- had come down to 88 paise from around 95 paise.

He kept the plan target for 2013-14 at Rs 63,363 crore (Rs.633.63 billion or $11.5 billion)

The minister said railways remained the single most important catalyst in India's growth story and was a vital organisation integrating the nation from Baramulla in the north to Kanyamumari in the south, and from Dwarka in the west to Ledo in the east.

Bansal expressed grief over the loss lives due to the recent stampede at the Allahabad station and said a concrete safety plan would ensure that travel on Indian Railways is hassle free. The minister said safety of women, in particular, will be a priority.

He said the remaining 13,000-odd unmanned level crossings will be mechanised, while 400 lifts and 179 escalators will be deployed in catagory one stations. This apart, coaches will be made wheel-chair friendly and approaches made easy for the differently-abled.

"With the popularity of Shatabdi and Rajdhani trains, high-travel comfort has been high on passenger agenda. For this, one such coach, that will provide excellent ambience and services, will run on select trains. Such coaches will be called 'Anubhuti'," he said.

India's railroad network, ranked among the top five in the world, is spread over 64,000 km with 7,083 stations, to ferry 23 million travellers and 2.65 million tonnes of goods daily on 12,000 passenger and 7,000 freight trains.

Bansal, who represents Chandigarh in the Lok Sabha, said he was well aware about the problems faced by passengers while booking tickets on the internet. Accordingly, he promised a next-generation ticketing system by the end of this year.

The advocate-turned politician also promised a new e-ticketing system through mobile phones, SMS alerts for reservation status and free wi-fi on select trains, apart from setting a target of Rs.1 trillion for projects under public-private partnership.

Rail Budget 2013: Highlights

Here are the highlights of the Rail Budget 2013 as presented by railway minister PK Bansal.

No hike in passenger fares

Superfast and Tatkal charges to rise

Annual plan for 2013-14 set at Rs 63,363 crore

Losses up from Rs 22,500 crore in 2011-12 to Rs 24,600 crore in 2012-13

Accidents per million km down from .41 to .13

Raised four companies of women RPF personnel; another eight to be raised for women's safety

67 new Express and 26 new passenger trains to run; 8 DEMU services and 5 MEMU services to be introduced; run of 57 trains to be extended; frequency of 24 trains to increase

22 new rail lines to be taken up in 2013-14

New debt service fund to be set up

Will close fiscal 2012-13 with fund balance against previous deficit; need to build fund balance to Rs.30,000 crore by end of 12th Plan

Operating ratio of 88.8 percent achieved

Dividend reduced from 5 to 4 percent

Electrification of 1,200 km to be completed this year

72 additional suburban services in Mumbai and 18 in Kolkata

Rs 6,600 crore increase in earnings from fare adjustment in January

Rs 63,000 crore investment in 2013-14

1,047 million tonnes freight loading estimated during 2013-14

Passenger earnings of Rs 42,000 crore estimated in 2013-14

Indian Railways Institute of Financial Management to be set up at Secunderabad

Chair at Delhi to promote research in reducing carbon footprint

Winners of Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna and Dhyan Chand awards to get free first class passes

Complementary first class passes for parents of unmarried posthumous awardees of Maha Vir Chakra, Vir Chakra, Kirti Chakra and Shaurya Chakra

Complementary passes of freedom fighters to be renewed every three years instead of annually

New forged wheel factory at Rae Bareli in collaboration with Rashtriya Ispat Nigam Ltd

Greenfield Mainline Electrical Multiple Units (MEMU) manufacturing facility at Bhilwara along with Rajasthan government and BHEL

Coach making unit at Sonepat in collaboration with Haryana government

Midlife rehabilitation workshop at Kurnool along with Andhra Pradesh government.

Railway energy management company to be set up to harness solar and wind energy

1,000 crossings to be energised by solar power

1.51 lakh vacancies to be filled up

Locomotive cabs to be air-conditioned

Azadi Express for travel to places associated with freedom struggle

India in 1 billion tonne freight club

By end of 2013-14, 1,500 km of contracts to be awarded for two dedicated rail corridors

Rs 1 lakh crore target set for public-private-partnership route

Free Wi-Fi to be provided on some trains

Rs 100 crore for improving stations in New Delhi

179 escalators and 400 lifts at A 1 and other select stations

E-ticketing through mobile phones

SMS alerts for passengers on reservation status

Next generation e-ticketing system by end of 2013

Seventeen bridges identified for repair

Smoke and fire detection system envisaged

Fire extinguishers to be kept in guard vans

Making corporate Safety Plan for a 10 year period (2014-24)

Introduction of Train Protection Warning System on Automatic Signalling Systems

Rigorous trials of indigenously developed Train Collision Avoidance System

Introduction of 160/200 kmph Self Propelled Accident Relief Trains

Elimination of 10,797 level crossings during the 12th Plan and no addition of such crossings

Six more Rail Neer bottling plants to be set up

List of new express, passenger trains introduced in Rail Budget 2013

Railways will introduce 67 new express trains, 27 new passenger trains and run of 58 trains will be extended, Pawan Bansal said.

Express trains

1. Ahmedabad - Jodhpur Express (Weekly) Via Samdari, Bhildi
2. Ajni (Nagpur) - Lokmanya Tilak (T) Express (Weekly) Via
3. Amritsar - Lalkuan Express (Weekly) Via Chandigarh
4. Bandra Terminus - Ramnagar Express (Weekly) Via Nagda,
Mathura, Kanpur, Lucknow, Rampur
5. Bandra Terminus - Jaisalmer Express (Weekly) Via Marwar,
6. Bandra Terminus - Hisar Express (Weekly) Via Ahmedabad,
Palanpur, Marwar, Jodhpur, Degana
7. Bandra Terminus - Haridwar Express (Weekly) Via Valsad
8. Bangalore - Mangalore Express (Weekly)
9. Bathinda - Jammu Tawi Express (Weekly) Via Patiala, Rajpura
10. Bhubaneswar - Hazrat Nizamuddin Express (Weekly) Via
11. Bikaner - Chennai AC Express (Weekly) Via Jaipur, Sawai
Madhopur, Nagda, Bhopal, Nagpur
12. Chandigarh -Amritsar Intercity Express (Daily) Via Sahibzada
Ajitsingh Nagar (Mohali), Ludhiana
13. Chennai - Karaikudi Express (Weekly)
14. Chennai - Palani Express (Daily) Via Jolarpettai, Salem, Karur,
Namakkal 32
15. Chennai Egmore - Thanjavur Express (Daily) Via Villupuram,
16. Chennai - Nagarsol (For Sai Nagar Shirdi) Express (Weekly)
Via Renigunta, Dhone, Kacheguda
17. Chennai - Velankanni Link Express (Daily) Via Villupuram,
Mayiladuthurai, Tiruvarur
18. Coimbatore - Mannargudi Express (Daily) Via
Tiruchchirappalli, Thanjavur, Nidamangalam
19. Coimbatore - Rameswaram Express (Weekly)
20. Delhi - Firozpur Intercity Express (Daily) Via Bathinda
21. Delhi Sarai Rohilla - Sikar Express (Bi-weekly) after gauge
22. Delhi - Hoshiarpur Express (Weekly)
23. Durg - Jaipur Express (Weekly)
24. Gandhidham - Visakhapatnam Express (Weekly) Via
Ahmedabad, Wardha, Ballarshah, Vijaywada
25. Hazrat Nizamuddin - Mumbai AC Express (Weekly) via
Bhopal, Khandwa, Bhusawal
26. Howrah - Chennai AC Express (Bi-weekly) Via Bhadrak,
Duvvada, Gudur
27. Howrah - New Jalpaiguri AC Express (Weekly) Via Malda
28. Hubli - Mumbai Express (Weekly) Via Miraj, Pune
29. Indore - Chandigarh Express (Weekly) Via Dewas, Ujjain,
Guna, Gwalior, Hazrat Nizamuddin
30. Jabalpur - Yesvantpur Express (Weekly)Via Nagpur,
31. Jaipur - Lucknow Express (Tri-weekly) Via Bandikui, Mathura,
32. Jaipur-Alwar Express (Daily)
33. Jodhpur -Jaipur Express (Daily) Via Phulera
34. Jodhpur - Kamakhya (Guwahati) Express (Weekly) Via
Degana, Ratangarh
35. Kakinada - Mumbai Express (Bi-weekly)
36. Kalka - Sai Nagar Shirdi Express (Bi-weekly) Via Hazrat
Nizamuddin , Bhopal, Itrasi 33
37. Kamakhya (Guwahati) - Anand VIhar Express (Weekly) Via
Katihar, Barauni, Sitapur Cantt, Moradabad
38. Kamakhya (Guwahati) - Bangalore AC Express (Weekly )
39. Kanpur - Anand Vihar Express (Weekly) Via Farrukhabad
40. Katihar - Howrah Express (Weekly) Via Malda Town
41. Katra - Kalka Express (Bi-weekly) Via Morinda
42. Kolkata - Agra Express (Weekly) Via Amethi, Rae Bareli,
43. Kolkata - Sitamarhi Express (Weekly) Via Jhajha, Barauni,
44. Kota - Jammu Tawi Express (Weekly) Via Mathura, Palwal
45. Kurnool Town - Secunderabad Express (Daily)
46. Lokmanya Tilak (T) - Kochuveli Express (Weekly)
47. Lucknow - Varanasi Express Via Rae-Bareli (6 Days a week)
48. Madgaon - Mangalore Intercity Express (Daily) Via Udupi,
49. Mangalore - Kacheguda Express (Weekly) Via Dhone, Gooty,
Renigunta, Coimbatore
50. Mau - Anand Vihar Express (Bi-weekly)
51. Mumbai - Solapur Express (6 Days a week) Via Pune
52. Nagercoil - Bangalore Express (Daily) Via Madurai,
53. New Delhi - Katra AC Express (6 Days a week)
54. Nizamabad - Lokmanya Tilak (T) Express (Weekly)
55. Patna - Sasaram Intercity Express (Daily) Via Ara
56. Patliputra (Patna) - Bangalore Express (Weekly) Via Chheoki
57. Puducherry - Kanniyakumari Express (Weekly) Via
Villupuram, Mayiladuthurai, Tiruchchirappalli
58. Puri - Sai Nagar Shirdi Express (Weekly) Via Sambalpur,
Titlagarh, Raipur, Nagpur, Bhusawal
59. Puri -Ajmer Express (Weekly) Via Abu-Road
60. Radhikapur - Anand Vihar Link Express (Daily)
61. Rajendra Nagar Terminus (Patna)- New Tinsukia Express
(Weekly) Via Katihar, Guwahati
62. Tirupati - Puducherry Express (Weekly)
63. Tirupati - Bhubaneswar Express (Weekly) Via Visakhapatnam 34
64. Una / Nangaldam- Hazoor Saheb Nanded Express (Weekly)
Via Anandpur Saheb, Morinda, Chandigarh, Ambala
65. Visakhapatnam - Jodhpur Express (Weekly) Via Titlagarh,
66. Visakhapatnam - Kollam Express (Weekly)
67. Yesvantpur - Lucknow Express (Weekly) via Rae Bareli,

Passenger trains

1. Bathinda - Dhuri Passenger (Daily)
2. Bikaner-Ratangarh Passenger (Daily)
3. Bhavnagar - Palitana Passenger (Daily)
4. Bhavnagar - Surendranagar Passenger (Daily)
5. Bareilly - Lalkuan Passenger (Daily)
6. Chhapra -Thawe Passenger (Daily)
7. Loharu - Sikar Passenger (Daily) after gauge conversion
8. Madgaon - Ratnagiri Passenger (Daily)
9. Marikuppam - Bangalore Passenger (Daily)
10. Muzaffarpur - Sitamarhi Passenger (Daily) via Runnisaidpur
11. Nadiad - Modasa Passenger (6 days a week)
12. Nandyal - Kurnool Town passenger (Daily)
13. New Amravati - Narkher Passenger (Daily)
14. Punalur - Kollam Passenger (Daily)
15. Purna - Parli Vaijnath Passenger (Daily)
16. Palani-Tiruchendur Passenger (Daily)
17. Ratangarh - Sardarsahar Passenger (Daily) after gauge
18. Samastipur- Banmankhi Passenger via Saharsa, Madhepura
(Daily) after gauge conversion
19. Shoranur - Kozhikode Passenger (Daily)
20. Surendranagar - Dharangdhara Passenger (Daily)
21. Suratgarh - Anupgarh Passenger (Daily)
22. Somnath - Rajkot Passenger (Daily)
23. Sitamarhi - Raxaul Passenger (Daily) 35
24. Sriganganagar - Hanumangarh-Sadulpur Passenger (Daily)
after gauge conversion
25. Talguppa - Shimoga Town Passenger (Daily)
26. Thrisur-Guruvayur Passenger (Daily)

MEMU services

1. Barabanki - Kanpur
2. Chennai - Tirupati
3. Delhi- Rohtak (Replacement of conventional service by
4. Lucknow - Hardoi
5. Sealdah - Berhampore Court

DEMU services

1. Bhatkal - Thokur
2. Delhi - Kurukshetra Via Kaithal
3. Katwa - Jangipur
4. Lucknow - Sultanpur
5. Lucknow - Pratapgarh Via Gauriganj
6. Madgaon - Karwar
7. Rohtak - Rewari
8. Taran Taran - Goindwal Saheb

Extension of trains

1. 19601/19602 Ajmer-New Jalpaiguri Express to Udaipur
2. 15715/15716 Ajmer-Kishanganj Express to New Jalpaiguri
3. 12403/12404 Allahabad - Mathura Express to Jaipur
4. 17307/17308 Bagalkot-Yesvantpur Express to Mysore
5. 18437/18438 Bhubaneswar - Bhawanipatna Express to
Junagarh 36
6. 18191/18192 Chhapra - Kanpur Anwarganj Express to
7. 16127/16128 Chennai-Madurai portion of Chennai-Guruvayur
Express to Tuticorin
8. 12231/12232 Chandigarh-Lucknow Express to Patna (2 days)
9. 12605/12606 Chennai-Tiruchchirappalli Express to Karaikudi
10. 14007/14008 Delhi-Muzaffarpur Express to Raxaul after gauge
11. 14017/14018 Delhi-Muzaffarpur Express to Raxaul after gauge
12. 12577/12578 Darbhanga-Bangalore Express to Mysore
13. 14731/14732 Delhi - Bathinda Express to Fazilka
14. 14705/14706 Delhi Sarai Rohilla-Sadulpur Express to
Sujangarh (Salasar Express)
15. 15159/15160 Durg- Chhapra Express to Muzaffarpur and
16. 12507/12508 Guwahati-Ernakulam Express to
17. 17005/17006 Hyderabad-Darbhanga Express to Raxaul after
gauge conversion
18. 17011/17012 Hyderabad- Belampalli Express to Sirpur
19. 16591/16592 Hubli-Bangalore Express to Mysore
20. 12181/12182 Jabalpur-Jaipur Express to Ajmer
21. 15097/15098 Jammu Tawi-Barauni Express to Bhagalpur
22. 13117/13118 Kolkata - Berhampore Court Express to Lalgola
23. 22981/22982 Kota-Hanumangarh Express to Shri Ganga Nagar
24. 15609/15610 Lalgarh- Guwahati Express to New Tinsukia
25. 12145/12146 Lokmanya Tilak (T)-Bhubaneswar Express to Puri
26. 12545/12546 Lokmanya Tilak (T)-Darbhanga Express to Raxaul
after gauge conversion
27. 12449/12450 Madgaon-Hazrat Nizamuddin Express to
28. 12653/12654 Mangalore - Tiruchchirappalli Express to
29. 29019/29020 Meerut-Nimach Link Express to Mandasor 37
30. 22107/22108 Mumbai CST-Latur Express to Hazoor Saheb
31. 14003/14004 New Delhi -New Farakka Express to Malda
32. 15723/15724 New Jalpaiguri-Darbhanga Express to Sitamarhi
33. 18419/18420 Puri-Darbhanga Express to Jaynagar
34. 19327/19328 Ratlam-Chittaurgarh Express to Udaipur
35. 13133/13134 Sealdah - Varanasi Express (2 Days) to Delhi via
Lucknow, Moradabad
36. 14711/14712 Shri Ganga Nagar - Haridwar Express to
37. 16535/16536 Solapur-Yesvantpur Express to Mysore
38. 19251/19252 Somnath-Dwarka Express to Okha
39. 12629/12630 Yesvantpur - Hazrat Nizamuddun Sampark
Kranti Express 2 days to Chandigarh
40. 59601/59602 Ajmer-Beawar Passenger to Marwar
41. 56513/56514 Bangalore-Nagore Passenger to Karaikal
42. 51183/51184 Bhusaval-Amravati Passenger to Narkher
43. 57502/57503 Bodhan-Kamareddi Passenger to Mirzapalli
44. 54632/54633 Dhuri-Hisar/ Hisar- Ludhiana Passenger to Sirsa
45. 56700/56701Madurai-Kollam Passenger to Punalur
46. 56709/56710 Madurai-Dindigul Passenger to Palani
47. 56275/56276 Mysore-Shimoga Town Passenger to Talguppa
48. 59297/59298 Porbander-Veraval Passenger to Somnath
49. 66611/66612 Ernakulam-Thrisur MEMU to Palakkad
50. 67277/67278 Falaknuma-Bhongir MEMU to Jangaon
51. 66304/66305 Kollam-Nagarcoil MEMU to Kanniyakumari
52. 63131/63132 Krishnanagar City-Berhampore Court MEMU to
Ranaghat and to Cossimbazar
53. 74021/74024 Delhi-Shamli DEMU to Saharanpur
54. 76837/76838 Karaikudi-Manamadurai DEMU to Virudunagar
after gauge conversion
55. 79454/79445 Morbi-Wankaner DEMU to Rajkot
56. 77676/77677 Miryalguda-Nadikudi DEMU to Piduguralla
57. 79301/79302 Ratlam-Chittaurgarh DEMU to Bhilwara 38

Increase in frequency

1. 12547/12548 Agra Fort -Ahmedabad Express 3 to 7 days
2. 11453/11454 Ahmedabad-Nagpur Express 2 to 3 days
3. 22615/22616 Coimbatore-Tirupati Express 3 to 4 days
4. 14037/14038 Delhi-Pathankot Express 3 to 6 days
5. 19409/19410 Gorakhpur - Ahmedabad Express 1 to 2 days
6. 13465/13466 Howrah - Malda Town Express 6 to 7 days
7. 12159/12160 Jabalpur - Amravati Express 3 to 7 days
8. 11103/11104 Jhansi - Bandra (T) Express 1 to 2 days
9. 19325/19326 Indore - Amritsar Express 1 to 2 days
10. 12469/12470 Kanpur - Jammu Tawi Express 1 to 2 days
11. 12217/12218 Kochuveli - Chandigarh Express 1 to 2 days
12. 12687/12688 Madurai - Dehradun/Chandigarh Express 1 to 2
13. 13409/13410 Malda Town - Jamalpur Express 6 to 7 days
14. 17213/17214 Narsapur - Nagersol (Near Sainagar Shirdi)
Express 2 to 7 days
15. 12877/12878 Ranchi-New Delhi Garib Rath Express 2 to 3 days
16. 18509/18510 Visakhapatnam - Hazoor Saheb Nanded Express
2 to 3 days
17. 22819/22820 Visakhapatnam - Lokmanya Tilak (T) Express 2
to 7 days
18. 18309/18310 Sambalpur-Hazoor Saheb Nanded Express 2 to 3
19. 12751/12752 Secunderabad - Manuguru Express 3 to 7 days
20. 12629/12630 Yesvantpur - Hazrat Nizamuddun Sampark
Kranti Express 2 to 4 days
21. 56221/56222/56525/56526 Bangalore - Tumkur Passenger 6 to
7 days
22. 56321 Kanniyakumari-Tirunelveli Passenger 6 to 7 days
23. 56325 Nagercoil - Kanniyakumari Passenger 6 to 7 days
24. 56312 Tirunelveli - Nagercoil Passenger 6 to 7 days 39