What Is “Hinduism” ?
By Dr. Iniyan Elango, M.B.B.S., LLM.
03 February, 2013
Dr. Iniyan Elango argues that "Hinduism" is a colonial and post colonial contruct which was institutionalised in the 'modern' India against the wishes of the lower castes , and therefore the religious labels of “Hindu and Hinduism” should not be imposed on backward castes (Shudras), scheduled castes (Dalits) and scheduled tribes (aboriginal Adivasis)
Dr. Iniyan Elango argues that "Hinduism" is a colonial and post colonial contruct which was institutionalised in the 'modern' India against the wishes of the lower castes , and therefore the religious labels of “Hindu and Hinduism” should not be imposed on backward castes (Shudras), scheduled castes (Dalits) and scheduled tribes (aboriginal Adivasis)
Religion is man-made. Even the men who made it cannot agree on what their prophets or redeemers or gurus actually said or did. -Antitheist activist and writer Christopher Hitchens
All religion, my friend, is simply evolved out of fraud, fear, greed, imagination, and poetry. - American writer Edgar Allan Poe
All religion, my friend, is simply evolved out of fraud, fear, greed, imagination, and poetry. - American writer Edgar Allan Poe
The ancient Persians
invented the term “Hindu” to describe all peoples who lived in the
Indian sub-continent beyond the Indus River. The word “Hindu” cannot be
found anywhere in any of the Brahmanical Sanskrit scriptures which form
the theological basis of Hinduism nor was the term “Hindu” ever used to
denote members of a singular religion until the British and post-British
Indian laws legally instituted the term “Hindu” to classify and lump
together all inhabitants of India (except Jews, Muslims, Christians and
Zoroastrians) as “Hindu” by disregarding and negating the diverse and
varied religions of the Indian peoples, particularly those of Dalits
(untouchables or scheduled castes), Adivasis (aboriginal scheduled
tribes) and backward castes (Shudras) which have nothing to do with the
Hindu religion as codified by Hindu law based on Brahmanical Sanskrit
scriptures such as the Vedas, Upanishads, Shruthis and Smrithis which is
followed only by the “twice born” (Dwija) supremacist upper caste trio
of Brahmins, Kshatriyas and Vysyas (Baniyas). Thus, Hinduism as a
singular religious identity and terminology - is solely a colonial and
post-colonial socio-legal construct that never existed in the past
history of India. And in particular, backward castes (Shudras), Dalits
and aboriginal Adivasis were neither considered as co-religionists by
the “twice born” supremacist upper caste trio led by the Brahmins nor
did the peoples oppressed as Shudras or untouchables and Adivasis call
themselves as “Hindus” at any time, until the British and post-British
Indian legal statutes legally instituted the term “Hindu” as a blanket
religious identity that is mandatorily and legally applied on “all”
Indian peoples who are not following Zoroastrianism or the three Semitic
religions of Judaism, Christianity and Islam.
Various Hindu civil legal statutory regimes make a
blanket legal imposition of the Hindu religious identity on “any” person
domiciled in India who is not a Muslim, Christian, Parsi (Zoroastrian)
or Jew by religion. The Hindu Adoption and Maintenance Act 1956, The
Hindu Marriage Act 1955, Hindu succession Act, 30 of 1956 and The Hindu
Minority and Guardianship Act 1956 are some of the Hindu civil legal
statutory legislations that summarily forces the “Hindu” religious
identity on everybody domiciled in India except for Jews, Muslims,
Christians and Parsis (Zoroastrians) in the aforementioned manner. A
provision of the Hindu Marriage Act further states that the expression
“Hindu” is to be construed as if it included a person who, “though not a
Hindu by religion” is nevertheless a person to whom this legislation
considers as “Hindu” in blatant violation of an individual’s right and
freedom to choose his or her religion (or lack of it as atheists or
antitheists) without being forced with a religious identity by law.
In addition, article 25 (2) (b) Explanation II of the Indian constitution states as follows: In sub-clause (b) of clause (2), the reference to Hindus shall be construed as including a reference to persons professing the Sikh, Jaina or Buddhist religion, and the reference to Hindu religious institutions shall be construed accordingly. Thus, Sikhs, Jains and Buddhists have also been constitutionally deemed to be “Hindus”.
In addition, article 25 (2) (b) Explanation II of the Indian constitution states as follows: In sub-clause (b) of clause (2), the reference to Hindus shall be construed as including a reference to persons professing the Sikh, Jaina or Buddhist religion, and the reference to Hindu religious institutions shall be construed accordingly. Thus, Sikhs, Jains and Buddhists have also been constitutionally deemed to be “Hindus”.
In the case titled “Surajmani Stella Kujur Vs Durga
Charan Hansdah” (AIR 2001 SC 938: (2001) 3 SCC 13), while determining
“who is a “Hindu” for the purposes of the applicability of the Hindu
Marriage Act, 1955 (“the Act”), the members of scheduled tribes were
deemed to be Hindus by the Supreme Court of India. In this case, the
Supreme Court further noted that in the absence of a notification or
order under Article 342 of the Constitution members of various Scheduled
Tribes are deemed to be Hindus. The Supreme Court judgment in this case
further observed that even if a notification is issued under the
Constitution, the Hindu Marriage Act can be applied to Scheduled Tribes
and the latter deemed to be Hindus under the Act by a further
notification in terms of sub-section (2) of Section 2 of the Act.
Therefore, by way of the various aforementioned
Hindu civil law statutes, related court judgments and constitutional
provisions, the Hindu religious identity is summarily imposed on all
people domiciled in India who are not Muslims, Christians, Jews and
Zoroastrians (Parsis), thus legally imposing the Hindu religious
identity on Buddhists, Jains, Sikhs, atheists and followers of other
non-Hindu religions, thus creating a legally fabricated Hindu majority
in violation of the freedom of thought, conscience and religion of an
individual to freely choose his or her religion without religious
imposition by law, thus negating a fundamental human right of thought,
conscience and religion guaranteed by International human rights law.
Due to the aforementioned Hindu law statutes,
related court judgments and constitutional provisions, all people
belonging to backward castes, scheduled castes, scheduled tribes, and
even atheists, Buddhists, Jains, Sikhs, and any other people asserting a
non-Hindu religious denomination are legally forced with the Hindu
religious identity under law, except for Muslims, Christians, Jews and
Zoroastrians. Thus under the present Hindu law statues and related court
judgments and constitutional provisions, it can be reasonably concluded
that any kind of census (whether caste based or not) will
demographically conclude and record the religion of backward castes,
scheduled castes and scheduled tribes only as Hindu, even if any of them
follow atheism or any non-Hindu religious denomination (except for
Islam, Christianity, Judaism and Zoroastrianism). Even scheduled castes
and scheduled tribes are legally imposed with the Hindu religious
identity by the aforesaid Hindu civil law statutes and related court
judgments, and hence are demographically labelled only as Hindu under
law in order to reinforce the delusional and false Hindu majority
fabricated by law. Hence, it is wrong for some to say that the census of
backward castes alone will contribute to a (fabricated) Hindu
demographic majoritarianism, since scheduled castes and scheduled tribes
are also legally forced with the Hindu religious identity just as
backward castes are, even if they are atheists, Buddhists, Jains, Sikhs
or any other non-Hindu religionists (except for those professing Islam,
Christianity, Judaism and Zoroastrianism).
The establishment of a mythical, fabricated and
false demographic Hindu majority lies in the various aforementioned
Hindu civil law statutes and related court judgments and constitutional
provisions that constitute the legal status quo which legally and
summarily imposes the Hindu religious identity on all people domiciled
in India who are not Muslims, Christians, Jews and Zoroastrians, thus
legally forcing the Hindu religious identity on all backward castes,
scheduled castes and scheduled tribes even if they assert non-Hindu
religious identities or atheism (except for Judaism, Christianity, Islam
and Zoroastrianism), while also legally imposing the Hindu religious
identity on atheists, Buddhists, Jains, Sikhs, and any other people
asserting a non-Hindu religious denomination except for Muslims,
Christians, Jews and Zoroastrians. This is a blatant violation of the
individual human right and freedom of thought, conscience and religion
accorded under international human rights law.
In the Supreme Court judgment delivered in the case
called “Shastri Yagnapurushdasji and Others Vs Muldas Bhundardas Vaishya
and Another” (AIR 1996 SC 1119), the Supreme Court ruled as follows in
paragraphs 40 and 43 with regards to the definition and distinguishing
features of the Hindu religion and Hindus: "Acceptance of the Vedas with
reverence; recognition of the fact that the means or ways to salvation
are diverse; and realisation of the truth that the number of gods to be
worshipped is large”. The Supreme Court further ruled that this
aforementioned definition brings out succinctly the broad distinctive
features of Hindu religion.
But a vast majority of Indian peoples who do not
subscribe (in part or fully) to this aforementioned legal and judicial
definition (of the Hindu religion and “Hindus”) laid down by the Supreme
Court have nevertheless been contradictorily and forcibly imposed with
the Hindu religious identity by the Hindu civil law statutes and related
judicial case law regimes and constitutional provisions described
above. This is a legally contradictory situation where the individual
freedom to choose one’s thought, conscience and religion is violated.
Adivasis (indigenous peoples), Dalits (scheduled castes) and OBCs
(backward castes) do not generally subscribe to any reverential
acceptance of the “Vedas” and are all scripturally and theologically
banned by the Hindu religious law (based on Brahmanical Sanskrit Hindu
scriptures) from any priesthood training or religious study of the
Brahmanical Sanskrit Hindu scriptures (such as the Vedas, Upanishads,
Shruthis and Smrithis) in Hindu seminaries monopolized by Brahmins and
are also summarily banned from Hindu religious priesthood, but despite
this situation, scheduled castes, scheduled tribes and backward castes
are contradictorily laden with the Hindu religious identity by the
aforesaid Hindu law regimes thus violating their human right to freedom
of religion and contravening the definition of Hindus and the Hindu
religion as outlined in the aforementioned Supreme Court judgment (AIR
1996 SC 1119) which lays down the “acceptance of the Vedas with
reverence” as one of the cardinal features of a “Hindu”. How can those
who are banned from religious study and religious training for
priesthood in the seminaries of a religion be called as members of the
same religion and forced with the label of the same religion? But,
backward castes, scheduled castes and scheduled tribes have suffered
this indignation and oppression under the current Hindu law regimes
which summarily forces the Hindu religious identity on them while
banning them all from Hindu religious priesthood and Hindu temple
priesthood. In addition Adivasis, Dalits and OBCs (backward castes) are
all proscribed from being “scriptural and sacramental membership of
Hinduism” by Hindu Law, and this “scriptural and sacramental” membership
of Hindu religion is exclusively reserved “only” for the so called
“twice born” supremacist trio of upper castes [Brahmins, Vysyas
(Baniyas) and Kshatriyas] by Hindu religious law (Hindu law based on
Brahmanical Sanskrit scriptures such as Vedas, Upanishads, Shruthis and
Smrithis), and thus Adivasis, Dalits and OBCs (backward castes) are also
theologically banned from Hindu priesthood, but nevertheless - the
Hindu religious identity is contradictorily imposed on Dalits, OBCs and
Adivasis by the aforesaid Hindu civil legal statutes when they are all
theologically excluded from “scriptural and sacramental” membership of
Hinduism and banned from Hindu priesthood by the Hindu law based on
Brahmanical Sanskrit Hindu scriptures.
The religious school of thought followed by
Lingayats, Jains, Buddhists, indigenous tribal people, Sikhs, atheists
and followers of various other non-Hindu Indian religions of Dalits and
backward castes (which either negate Brahmanical scriptures such as the
“Vedas” or preach monotheism, atheism or rural folk deity worship), do
not subscribe to the aforementioned legal and judicial definition of
“Hindu religion” as laid down by the Supreme Court, but still these
various non-Hindu religions of Indian origin and atheism (and
antitheists) have been legally clumped under the Hindu religious
identity by the various Hindu civil legal statutes in violation of their
human right for thought, conscience and religion.
Thus, due to Hindu civil legal statutes and
constitutional provisions that summarily impose the Hindu religious
identity on one and all (except Muslims, Christians, Jews and Parsis),
various religions and schools of thought which are not Hindu and which
do not satisfy the aforementioned Supreme Court definition of “Hinduism”
have all been forced to come under the blanket imposition of Hindu
religious identity. Some of the religions or schools of thought which
have been thus brought under the blanket Hindu religious identity are
Lingayatism, Jainism, Buddhism, indigenous aboriginal religions (of
scheduled tribes), Sikhism, atheism, rural indigenous religions of
Dalits and backward castes, etc. This is in violation of the fundamental
human right to freely choose one’s thought, conscience and religion,
and is also in violation of the aforementioned Supreme Court Judgment
that propounds the legal definition of Hindu religion.
One especially wonders how the followers of
Buddhism, a religion that negates any belief in God and irreligious
rationalist atheists and antitheists professing atheism can be brought
under the legal label of the “Hindu” religion by the aforementioned
constitutional provisions and various other Hindu civil legal statutes,
thus contradicting the aforementioned Supreme Court Judgmental
definition of “Hinduism” that deems belief in Vedas and many Gods as one
of the fundamental legal markers of being a Hindu.
Most Adivasi indigenous peoples (scheduled tribes)
are animists whose spiritual traditions and religious forms of animist
and indigenous worship have nothing to do with the Hinduism religion of
“Sanathan Dharma” as codified by Hindu law based on Brahmanical Sanskrit
scriptures such as Vedas, Upanishads, Smrithis and Shruthis. Similarly,
people of scheduled castes’ descent (Dalits) were long considered as
outcasts and segregated as untouchables and were also traditionally
banned from Hindu temple entry by Orthodox Hinduism. The cow
slaughtering, beef eating and rural folk deity worshipping life style of
rural Dalits has nothing to with the Sanathan Dharma (Hinduism) as
codified by the Brahmanical Sanskrit scriptures of Hindu law which
proscribe beef eating and cow slaughtering. Most of the other backward
castes (OBCs) (in the vertically graded bigotry of the caste system) are
also animal sacrificing worshippers of indigenous and rural folk
deities whose rural and indigenous forms of worshipping folk deities has
no scriptural and theological relationship with the vegan emphasizing
Sanathan Dharma (Hinduism) of “twice born” supremacist trio of upper
castes as codified by the Brahmanical Sanskrit scriptures of Hindu law.
It is also obvious that the rural and indigenous religious traditions of
Scheduled Tribes (Adivasi aborigines), Scheduled Castes (Dalits) and
Other Backward Castes (OBCs) have nothing to do with the “Vedas”, and it
is also obvious that Dalits, Backward Castes and Scheduled Tribes
neither follow the “Vedas” nor are they allowed to study the Vedas and
other Hindu religious scriptures in Hindu religious seminaries
monopolized by Brahmins. Thus the backward castes, scheduled castes and
scheduled tribes are summarily banned from studying, training and
working as Hindu religious priests by the Brahmins and the bigoted Hindu
law. It is obvious that the Dalits, Other Backward Castes and Scheduled
Tribes do not subscribe to any belief in the Vedas, thus failing the
definition of “Hindu” and “Hinduism” established by the aforementioned
Supreme Court Judgment which deems that a belief in the “Vedas” to be
one of the defining features of Hinduism. Thus there is a strong
theological, legal and factual basis to consider the religious
traditions of Dalits (scheduled castes), Adivasis (scheduled tribes) and
Other Backward Castes (OBCs) as non-Hindu, rural, animist or indigenous
religions of folk deity worship which need to be legally and
theologically recognised as being separate and distinct from the
Sanathan Dharma (Hinduism) religion based on the Hindu law drawn from
Brahmins’ Sanskrit scriptures such as Vedas, Upanishads, Smrithis and
Shruthis. In this light, one should emphasize the declaration of
Babasaheb Dr. Ambedkar that Dalit people are not Hindus, and the
assertion of Periyar that Dravidian people (non-Brahmin backward castes,
scheduled castes and scheduled tribes) are of non-Hindu (and
ethno-linguo-culturally of non-Aryan) origin, and the assertion of
intellectuals of OBC background like Professor Kancha Ilaiah that OBC
people (backward castes) are not Hindus. It is also obvious that the
lifestyle and rural worshipping traditions of Adivasis (scheduled
tribes), Dalits and backward castes have nothing to do with Hinduism as
codified by the Hindu Law based on Brahmanical Sanskrit scriptures.
According to Hindu Law, the members of the first
three upper castes of Brahmans (priests), Kshatriyas (kings) and Vaisyas
(traders) [in the vertically graded caste system] are considered as
“twice born” or “regenerate”. The second birth or regeneration consists
in the study of the Vedas or sacred literature and in the performance of
"samskaras" or sacraments (such as “Upanayanam” in which the Brahmin
and “twice born” supremacist upper caste males are initiated into a
“second birth” by wearing the “sacred thread” across their chest – and
hence become “twice born”). All these are religiously and scripturally
denied to the Shudras except for the "Samskara" of marriage. Thus it is
obvious that those who are legally considered as Shudras (by Hindu law)
are denied the religious right to the study and practice of religious
priesthood and (Brahmanical Sanskrit) religious scriptures of Hinduism.
Moreover, it is also obvious that those who are legally considered as
Shudras by Hindu law [and judicial case law based on Hindu law such as
Muthusami Mudaliar Vs Masilamani (1909), 33 Mad. 342] are all those who
don’t belong to the trio of “regenerate or twice born” supremacist
castes, and this includes all of the various castes who are lower to
“twice born” supremacist trio of upper castes in the vertically graded
caste hierarchy such as backward castes, scheduled castes, scheduled
tribes, and members of other social groups, religions and castes who are
forced with the “Hindu” religious identity by the aforesaid Hindu civil
legal statutes such as Sikhs, Jains, Buddhists, Lingayats, etc.
(Note: But the caste system has also pervaded the
Sikh religion with the result that some Sikhs of “twice born” Kshatriya
origins call themselves as “Khatri” Sikhs, while Sikhs descending from
castes bonded to physically labouring vocations (Shudras) are Jat Sikhs,
Ramgharia Sikhs, etc., (with Jats tending to be landholding farmers)
while Dalit Sikhs go by names such as Ravidasia, Valmiki, etc. Such
dilution of the Sikh spiritual ethos with the caste system has been the
direct result of Sikhs being brought under the dominant legal, cultural
and religious identity of Hinduism (in which the various Hindu civil
legal statutes and Hindu law regimes played a considerable role), thus
negating the “Khalsa” oath of unadulterated Sikhism that negates the
caste system and assures social equality of all Sikhs.
The Hindu law based on various Brahmanical Sanskrit
scriptures such as Vedas, Upanishads, Smrithis and Shruthis, recognises
only the “twice born” supremacist upper caste trio of Brahmins, Vysyas
(Baniyas) and Kshatriyas as the “only scriptural and sacramental members
of Hinduism”, thus excluding all the other people bonded to physically
labouring vocations and derided as “Shudras” by the Hindu religious
scriptures (such as backward castes, scheduled castes and scheduled
tribes) from “scriptural and sacramental” membership of Hinduism. This
legal premise sanctified by the bigoted scriptures of Hindu Law (such as
“Manu Smrithi”) was used as one of the judicial reasons to successfully
challenge and abrogate the Tamil Nadu legislation (of 1974) enacted by
the DMK party led state government - that sought to end the Brahmin
monopoly on Hindu religious priesthood by allowing people from all
castes (including Dalits) to train and work as Hindu religious priests.
(The Tamil Nadu state Government led by the DMK party re-enacted the
state legislation in 2008 to allow people of all castes to train and
work as Hindu religious and temple priests, which has again been stayed
by the Supreme Court due to litigations by Brahmin led Orthodox Hindu
outfits which are currently pending at the Supreme Court of India). But
backward castes, scheduled castes and scheduled tribes who are banned
from “scriptural and sacramental” membership of Hinduism by Hindu law
and thus excluded from Hindu religious priesthood by Hindu law are
nevertheless contradictorily imposed with the Hindu religious identity
by various Hindu civil legal statutes in violation of their individual
freedom to freely choose a non-Hindu religious denomination or atheism,
which only serves to entrench the legally fabricated and falsely
projected mythical Hindu majority.
In this legal situation, the demographic conclusions
of any kind of census in India, whether caste based or not, will label
the religion of all people (excepting those belonging to the four
religions of Judaism, Islam, Christianity, and Zoroastrianism) only as
Hindu, thus enforcing a mythical, delusional and false Hindu
majoritarianism fabricated by law which negates the freedom of thought,
conscience and religion of individual citizens.
This legal situation which creates a false,
fabricated and mythical Hindu majority by legally imposing the Hindu
religious identity on various non-Hindu peoples can only be ended by
introducing secular civil law regimes for people who choose not to be
identified as Hindus (while exempting Jews, Muslims, Christians,
Zoroastrians and “twice born” supremacist trio of upper castes from such
a secular civil law), by abrogating various provisions in Hindu civil
legal statutes that legally enforces a blanket imposition of the Hindu
religious identity on all people except Jews, Muslims, Christians and
Zoroastrians, by legally abrogating and removing all repugnant Hindu
scriptures that codify the bigoted caste system such as “Manu Smrithi”
from the legal body of Hindu law, completely abrogating Hindu law in its
current form, by extending affirmative action (reservation) in
education and employment to people belonging to backward castes,
scheduled castes and scheduled tribes irrespective of their religion and
even if they identify themselves with any non-Hindu religious
identities or as atheists, and by legally recognizing the spiritual and
religious traditions of animism and indigenous rural religions of folk
deity worship practiced by Dalits (Scheduled Castes), Adivasis
(Scheduled Tribes) and OBCs (Backward Castes) as being distinct and
separate from Hinduism with legal terminology such as “indigenous
Dravidian religions” or simply as “scheduled caste, backward caste or
scheduled tribe religions”.
Today, any person domiciled in India (except for
Muslims, Christians, Jews and Parsis) has to legally identify himself or
herself as a “Hindu” in any legal document or court proceedings, even
if the person believes that he or she is not a Hindu. This false,
oppressive, violative and theologically untenable socio-legal imposition
of the Hindu religious identity on Dalits (scheduled castes), OBCs
(backward castes), Adivasis (scheduled tribes), atheists, antitheists
and other non-Hindu religionists should be ended through various
legislative reforms suggested above.
The fanatical elements of Hindutva fascist parties
who make untenable and false accusations of “forced conversion” against
Islamic and Christian missionaries and who unleashed mass murderous and
pillaging violence and sexual attacks against Muslims in Gujarat and
Christian missionaries, Dalit Christians and Adivasi Christians in
Orissa, and who murderously target religious minorities in various other
parts of India, should ponder over this “legally forced conversion” of
millions of non-Hindu peoples to Hinduism in order to project a false,
fabricated and mythical Hindu majority.
The Brahmanical Sanskrit scriptures of Sanathan
Dharma that constitute the Hindu law which legally codifies Hinduism
recognizes only the “twice born” supremacist upper caste trio (Brahmins,
Vysyas [Baniyas] and Kshatriyas) as the real and only members of
Sanathan Dharma (Hinduism) who were given exclusive monopoly over
education, trade and governance for millennia, while the rest of the
populace who did not belong to the “twice born” supremacist upper caste
trio were derided as “Shudras”, excluded from the “scriptural and
sacramental” membership of Sanathan Dharma (Hinduism), banned from
education, governance and wealth, thrust into various occupations
involving physical labour, forced to marry amongst only those who were
thrust into a particular occupation of physical labour thus creating
vertically graded endogamous caste divisions based on various
occupations of physical labour, and a section of the Shudras were
further divided and segregated as “untouchables” and thrust into the
most degrading physical labour. The “untouchables” were further divided
into vertically graded castes based on the degrading physical labour
thrust on them. Thus it is evident that only the “twice born”
supremacist upper caste trio led by the Brahmins are the “real” Hindus
while the Shudras (backward castes), Dalits (untouchables – scheduled
castes) and Adivasis (scheduled tribes) are not Hindus, but are actually
peoples subjugated, oppressed, divided and ruled by the Hindus (the
“twice born” trio of supremacist upper castes led by Brahmins).
Some theologists say that even the religious schools
of worshipping Siva known as “Saivism” and Vishnu (or “Thirumaal” in
Tamil) known as “Vaishnavism” have been co-opted by Brahmins and
instituted with the caste system, (just as any religion or cult which
challenged Brahmins and the caste system was), since there is no mention
of Siva, Vishnu (or any other deity worshipped by backward castes,
scheduled castes or scheduled tribes) in the Brahmanical Sanskrit
scriptures such as Vedas, Upanishads, Shruthis and Smrithis which
constitute the scriptural, legal and religious basis of Hindu religion
and Hindu law. There is also no tradition of idol worship (but only a
form of fire worship known as “Yagas” or “Yagnas”) in the Brahmanical
Sanskrit scriptures of Sanathan Dharma (such as the Vedas, Upanishads,
Shruthis and Smrithis) that constitute the Hindu law which legally
codifies Hinduism based on the Vedic religion of Sanathan Dharma and
allows only the “twice born” trio of supremacist upper castes led by
Brahmins as “scriptural and sacramental” members. Brahmins have usurped
the monopoly to officiate as priests in the temples of idol worship
which are essentially temples of Shudras (backward castes and Dalits)
built by the physical labour of Shudras (backward castes and Dalits)
even though Brahmins’ Vedic religious texts which codify Hinduism (such
as the Vedas, Upanishads, Shruthis and Smrithis) do not contain idol
worship but only fire worship (“Yagas” or “Yagnas”) and prurient
traditions such as “Aswamedha Yaga” which was a form of fire worship
(“Yaga”) accompanied by inhumane rituals forcing women to indulge in
bestial acts with horses. Tamil scholars pin point to millennia old
Tamil literary works (of the “Sangam” and “Pre-Sangam” age) that refer
to temples of idol worship of Siva (“Seyon” in Tamil) and Vishnu
(“Thirumaal” in Tamil) in which Brahmins were not the officiating
priests, but people drawn from the native Tamil population were trained
as priests, until this changed after the Brahmins migrated to Tamil
speaking lands. The Tamil monarchs (Cholas, Pandiyas and Cheras) were
attracted by the mystic imagery of Brahmin rituals and Yagas and
superstitiously believed that patronising Brahmins and conducting
“Yagas” will lead to success in battle, longevity and prosperity. Thus,
in their strong mystical interest to patronize the Brahmins, the Tamil
(and other Dravidian) monarchs in India instituted the caste system,
untouchability and Brahmin hegemony as the law (based on “Manu Smrithi”
and other Brahmanical Scriptures), even though the Tamil monarchs were
considered only as “Shudras” by Brahmins because they were “non-Aryan”
ethnically, linguistically and culturally. Thus the non-Hindu Tamil
(Dravidian) religions were co-opted by Brahmins and instituted with the
caste system and Sanskrit rituals. Other socio-religious evils allied
with the caste system were also enforced by Brahmins with the
concurrence of the deluded Tamil kings such as segregating working
people as “untouchables”, forcibly trafficking and enslaving Tamil women
as temple prostitutes (Devadasis) who were sexually exploited by the
Brahmins and other powerful males, and the derision of physically
labouring people as “Shudras” and their division into hundreds of
vertically graded endogamous castes based on the physically laborious
occupations thrust on them, and their (Shudras’ and untouchables’)
exclusion from education, governance and trade. This happened all over
India where Brahmins imposed their socio-cultural and religious hegemony
just as it happened in Tamil speaking lands. Until the invention and
blanket imposition of the Hindu religious label on the Shudras and
untouchables during and after the British rule of India, Brahmins never
considered Shudras and untouchables as their fellow religionists but
only as peoples oppressed and excluded by Brahmins from the latter’s
religion of Sanathan Dharma based on Brahmanical Sanskrit scriptures
(such as Vedas, Upanishads, Shruthis and Smrithis) in which only the
“twice born” supremacist upper caste trio of Brahmins, Kshatriyas and
Vysyas (Baniyas) can be the scriptural and sacramental members.
Thus it is evident that backward castes, scheduled
castes and scheduled tribes, all of whom cannot be “scriptural and
sacramental” members of Sanathan Dharma (Hinduism) were co-opted and
deluded into accepting the blanket religious label of “Hindu” and
“Hinduism”, which was aided by the Brahmin co-option of Shudra religious
temples by way of giving monopoly on temple priesthood to Brahmins, in
order to allow the sustenance of the caste system and its division and
oppression of the backward castes and scheduled castes, and to sustain
the hegemony of the Brahmin led “twice born” supremacist upper caste
trio and the latter’s monopolistic hold on the intellectual, trading and
governing classes and to allow the infiltration of Brahmins and the
caste system into any new religion Shudras may create to resist the
caste system by imposing the new religion with the “Hindu” religious
label. Thus it is clear that the twice born supremacist upper caste trio
led by the Brahmins are an apartheid class akin to the Afrikaners in
the erstwhile South African apartheid state, who excluded the physically
labouring working populace and native people derided as Shudras and
untouchables from education, trade and governance, and further divided,
oppressed, segregated and exploited the Shudras and untouchables through
the caste system, which was effectively challenged by social reformers
in various parts of India like Periyar, Mahatma Phule, Narayana Guru and
Dr.Ambedkar only after the advent of the British rule. But unlike the
Afrikaners, the “twice born” trio of supremacist upper castes led by the
Brahmins cloaked their apartheid under a religious label (of “Hindu”)
and made the very people (Shudras and untouchables) who were victimized,
divided, exploited, oppressed and excluded by the caste system to
accept the caste system by deluding the working people derided as
“Shudras” and untouchables to falsely believe that they belonged to the
same religion as the “twice born” supremacist upper caste trio, while in
the scriptural, legal and theological reality – Shudras and
untouchables cannot become “scriptural and sacramental members” of the
legally codified Hinduism religion based on the Brahmanical Sanskrit
scriptures, which is affirmed by Supreme Court judgments which overthrow
and negate state legislations (such as the 1974 Tamil Nadu law) that
allowed Shudras and untouchables the right to train and work as temple
priests. Even allowing backward castes and scheduled castes to work as
Hindu temple priests will not change the theological reality of
Brahmanical Sanskrit scriptures of “Sanathan Dharma” (Hinduism) which
consider only the “twice born” supremacist upper caste trio led by
Brahmins as the “only” scriptural and sacramental members of “Sanathan
Dharma” (Hinduism).
Thus “Hinduism” is nothing but a fabricated
religious cloak and a lie created to hide the apartheid system of caste
and the hegemony of “twice born” supremacist upper caste trio led by the
Brahmins, which is as ludicrous and bizarre as a hypothetical situation
such as white Afrikaners of the erstwhile apartheid South Africa
attempting to fool the Black South Africans into accepting the apartheid
system by selling the lie that both the Afrikaners and Black South
Africans belonged to the same religion called “Apartheid”! But the only
difference is that the Black South Africans would have never been as
foolish, divided, irrational, superstitious and delusional as the
Shudras (backward castes) and untouchables (Dalits – scheduled castes)
into accepting the bigotry of an apartheid system such as the caste
system under the false cloak of a fabricated religious label, in which
the oppressed could never be equal religionists with the oppressing
supremacist elite of “twice born” supremacist castes led by the
The cultural, religious and linguistic exclusivism
and supremacy practiced by the “twice born” supremacist upper caste trio
led by the Brahmins based on their Indo-European linguistic Sanskrit
heritage led social reformers like Periyar to conclude that the “twice
born” supremacist upper caste trio led by the Brahmins are “Aryan”
culturally, linguistically, religiously and ethnically (if not in terms
of “racial purity” because the “twice born” supremacist upper caste trio
took “non-twice born” women as wives, concubines and sexual slaves
because of which all women including Brahmin women are considered as
“Shudras” scripturally and subjected to gruesome misogyny by the
Brahmanical Sanskrit scriptures and bigoted scriptures such as “Manu
Smiruthi” which codify Hinduism and the caste system in the body of
Hindu law). On the other hand if any Shudra or untouchable male
consorted with a “twice born” supremacist caste woman, he should be
castrated according to the bigoted Hindu religious laws of Manu. The
vertically graded caste divisions of Shudras and untouchables were
further entrenched by the Hindu religious, scriptural and Brahmanical
prescription of murdering any romantic couple who loved or married
across caste barriers. The theological derision, oppression, division,
exclusion and exploitation of Shudras and untouchables sanctioned by
Hindu scriptures on the pretext of their “Dravidian” heritage (as
mentioned in the Hindu religious scripture “Manu Smrithi”), and the
defilement of the proto-Dravidian language of Tamil as a “Neecha Basha”
(language of “inferior” people) by Sanskrit Brahmanical Hindu scriptures
and Brahmin traditions, led social thinkers like Periyar to conclude
that Shudras and untouchables were descendants of non-Aryan peoples whom
he called as “Dravidians”, a view echoed by Babasaheb Dr.Ambedkar.
The complete and total exclusion of Shudras and
untouchables from education, wealth and governance started to decrease
only after the advent of the British rule of India, when the British
opened up government schools and official jobs to people of all castes.
The truth is that almost a millennia of rule by the Muslim Moghul empire
left the caste system unscathed and the “twice born” supremacist upper
caste hegemony led by Brahmins intact, since the Moghuls mostly
appointed Brahmins and “twice born” supremacist upper caste men as their
ministers and bureaucrats and did not seek to reform the caste system,
even though countless Shudras and untouchables embraced Islam to escape
the bigotry of the caste system. Even today, the “twice born” trio of
supremacist upper castes led by Brahmins comprise of and control the
mainstream media, government bureaucracy, diplomatic corps, top
judiciary, elite academia and corporate leadership, while universal
access to education, health care, housing, sanitation and social
security is denied to the masses of Shudras and untouchables by a ruling
establishment comprising of the bureaucracy, media, top judiciary and
intellectual elite controlled by “twice born” supremacist upper castes
led by the Brahmins. Even though considerable numbers of Shudras and
untouchables have become regional political leaders, ministers, MPs,
MLAs, and many amongst backward castes and Dalits have become
bureaucrats and professionals thanks to an improperly and incompletely
implemented system of affirmative action called “reservation”, the core
of the ruling establishment comprising of the bureaucracy, mainstream
media, top supreme court judiciary, corporate elite, intellectual elite
and other pillars of state power are still controlled by and comprises
of the “twice born” supremacist upper caste trio led by the Brahmins.
This ruling establishment comprising of and controlled by the “twice
born” trio of supremacist upper castes led by the Brahmins is in logger
heads with the parliamentary and legislative democracy represented by
the MPs and MLAs who are increasingly drawn from Shudras and Dalits,
which has resulted in the mainstream media controlled by the Brahmins
and “twice born” trio of supremacist upper castes to demonize and smear
Shudra and Dalit political leaders and their elected representatives
with media concocted campaigns such as the “Anna Hazare campaign against
political corruption” and other media abetted propaganda, while
ignoring the millennia old socio-religious, intellectual and economic
corruption of the “twice born” trio of supremacist upper castes led by
Brahmins who oppressed, exploited and excluded the working masses
derided as Shudras and untouchables (backward castes and scheduled
castes) from education, governance and wealth, thus entrenching the
working masses of India in poverty, illiteracy, disempowerment and caste
divisions. Other political expressions of this “Aryan” Brahmin bigotry
takes the form of Hindu extremist nationalists and Brahmin politicians
such as Subramaniya Samy and Jayalalitha scuttling developmental
projects that may benefit the Dravidian Shudra and Dalit masses such as
opposing the “Sethu Canal Project” by making mythological, irrational,
religious and scientifically untrue claims of “Rama Bridge”, or for
example, the Brahmin bureaucratic, diplomatic and media establishment
demonizing the Sri Lankan Tamils to aid and abet war crimes and genocide
against the Tamils of Sri Lanka or the Brahmins’ opposition to use
Tamil as the language of worship in temples of Tamil Nadu.
The mainstream media controlled by the “twice born”
supremacist upper caste trio led by the Brahmins do not seek the
destruction of the caste system and never critique or publish the true
facts about the caste system. Hence, the mainstream media in India can
be hardly expected to annihilate the fabricated religious label of
Hinduism that is thrust on millions of non-Hindu backward castes,
scheduled castes and scheduled tribes, thus serving as a cloak to hide
and sustain the bigotry of the caste system and hegemony of the “twice
born” supremacist upper caste trio led by the Brahmins.
Thus it is obvious that the so called “Hindu”
religion and a legally fabricated Hindu majority are essentially
fraudulent in nature and that India is not a land of a majority singular
religion called Hinduism, but is indeed the land of a multitude of
diverse and varied schools of religions followed by scheduled castes,
scheduled tribes, backward castes and others, which have all been
unjustly and fraudulently usurped and negated by the summary and blanket
imposition of the Hindu religious label on “any” person domiciled in
India who is not a Jew, Muslim, Christian or a Parsi (Zoroastrian).
Keeping the backward castes, scheduled castes and
scheduled tribes under the delusional and fraudulent Hindu religious
identity is a pre-requisite for Brahmins and “twice born” supremacist
upper caste trio to sustain the caste system and their power as the
governing and intellectual classes of India lording over the mainstream
media, bureaucracy, higher judiciary, corporate leadership, elite
academia and other institutions of power. To prevent backward castes,
scheduled castes and scheduled tribes from rebelling against the caste
system and the fabricated Hindu religious fold, and to preserve the
power of the Brahmins and the “twice born” supremacist upper caste trio,
Brahmin ideologues have founded the Hindutva (Hindu fascist) movement
to whip up mass frenzy amongst backward castes, scheduled castes and
scheduled tribes through demagoguery that spreads hatred and instigation
of murderous violence against Muslims and Christians to enable the
political party of the Hindu fascists (BJP) to seize political power
through the demonization of Indian Muslims and Indian Christians, who
are essentially descendants of those backward castes, Dalits and
scheduled tribes who converted to Islam and Christianity to escape the
caste system.
Informed and intellectually conscious citizens
hailing from backward castes, scheduled castes and scheduled tribes,
(particularly those who assert atheism and non-Hindu religions usurped
by the Hindu religious label) should strongly assert that they are “not
Hindus” and launch a political, intellectual, social and legal struggle
to overthrow this summary socio-legal imposition of the Hindu religious
identity on them. The dictum of Babasaheb Dr.Ambedkar that Dalits are
not Hindus and the call of Periyar to backward castes and Dalits to
unite as rationalist and atheist “Dravidians” by foregoing the Hindu
religious identity and caste system would be apt to recall in this
The theologically, legally and socio-culturally
fraudulent construct of Hinduism should be legally and socially
dismantled by way of aforementioned legislative reforms to enshrine and
secure India as a nation of umpteen religious groups and not as a nation
of a fabricated and fraudulent singular religious majority, while also
giving constitutional and legal rights to irreligious rationalist
atheists, antitheists and other non-Hindu religionists of scheduled
castes, scheduled tribes and backward castes - who have been farcically
and legally thrust with the “Hindu “ religious identity by the legal
status quo in India.
Educating the masses belonging to the scheduled castes, scheduled tribes and backward castes about the fraudulent socio-legal construct of Hinduism in the aforementioned manner is imperative for challenging the rise of Hindu religious extremist fascism which is ideologically spearheaded by the Brahmins, since backward castes and Dalits who are brainwashed and deluded into the fraudulent “Hindu” religious identity are used as foot soldiers to unleash murderous mayhem against Muslims and Christians. The rise of the Hindu religious fascist totalitarian politics is itself a reactionary reaction to the socio-political challenge thrown on the fraudulent Hindu religious construct by the assertion of people belonging to backward castes and scheduled castes who are struggling against the exclusion caused by Hindu caste bigotry through social justice movements (such as the “Mandal” movement), which made the Brahmin led “twice born” trio of supremacist upper castes to unleash the “Hindutva” fascist movement through violence and demagoguery against Muslims and Christians, in order to consolidate the backward castes, scheduled castes and scheduled tribes under the Hindu umbrella to secure the fraudulent Hindu religious identity which cloaks the bigoted caste system and the elitist power of the “twice born” trio of supremacist upper castes led by the Brahmins.
Educating the masses belonging to the scheduled castes, scheduled tribes and backward castes about the fraudulent socio-legal construct of Hinduism in the aforementioned manner is imperative for challenging the rise of Hindu religious extremist fascism which is ideologically spearheaded by the Brahmins, since backward castes and Dalits who are brainwashed and deluded into the fraudulent “Hindu” religious identity are used as foot soldiers to unleash murderous mayhem against Muslims and Christians. The rise of the Hindu religious fascist totalitarian politics is itself a reactionary reaction to the socio-political challenge thrown on the fraudulent Hindu religious construct by the assertion of people belonging to backward castes and scheduled castes who are struggling against the exclusion caused by Hindu caste bigotry through social justice movements (such as the “Mandal” movement), which made the Brahmin led “twice born” trio of supremacist upper castes to unleash the “Hindutva” fascist movement through violence and demagoguery against Muslims and Christians, in order to consolidate the backward castes, scheduled castes and scheduled tribes under the Hindu umbrella to secure the fraudulent Hindu religious identity which cloaks the bigoted caste system and the elitist power of the “twice born” trio of supremacist upper castes led by the Brahmins.
In view of the aforementioned theological and legal
facts in this essay, the religious labels of “Hindu and Hinduism” should
not be imposed on backward castes (Shudras), scheduled castes (Dalits)
and scheduled tribes (aboriginal Adivasis). As mentioned earlier,
scheduled tribes, scheduled castes and backward castes should be given
the legal right and freedom to choose any non-Hindu religious label they
want to use to describe their religions without the mandatory legal
thrusting of the Hindu religious label on them against their freedom of
thought, conscience and religion. Atheists and antitheists should have
the legal freedom to legally call themselves as atheists or antitheists
without the “Hindu” religious label summarily thrust on them against
their will. Similarly, the legal thrusting of the Hindu religious
identity on various non-Hindu religions (apart from Judaism,
Christianity, Islam and Zoroastrianism) such as Buddhism, Sikhism,
Jainism, Lingayatism, or any other non-Hindu religion should be ended
through legislative reforms such as the aforementioned ones suggested in
this essay. The rural and indigenous folk religions of backward castes,
scheduled castes and scheduled tribes should be recognized as distinct
and separate from the Hindu religion based on the Brahmanical Sanskrit
scriptures of “Sanathan Dharma”, and should be called as “indigenous
Dravidian religions” or as “religions of backward castes, scheduled
castes or scheduled tribes” as the individual’s case may be. Other
religious schools of idol worship should be called as Saivism,
Vaishnavism, etc., according to their original names before the “Hindu”
label was re-invented and legally instituted by the British. Even the
religion of the “twice born” supremacist trio of upper castes should be
called by the real Sanskrit name of their religion as mentioned in their
Brahmanical Sanskrit religious scriptures which is “Sanathan Dharma”
and not Hinduism. The fraudulent use of the words “Hindu or Hinduism” to
denote a singular fabricated religion should be discontinued,
discouraged and legally proscribed. And affirmative action in education
and employment should be given to scheduled castes, scheduled tribes and
backward castes irrespective of their religion and even if they choose
to identify themselves with a non-Hindu religious label of any kind or
as atheists or antitheists.
(The writer is a physician, counselling
psychotherapist and a human rights legal advocate. He is also a
correspondent of the “Dalit Murasu” magazine and an atheist Ambedkarite
Buddhist who is totally devoid of any strand of Hinduism in him. He
successfully applied for asylum in the UK in 2001 as an act of legal
protest (based on international human rights law) against the legal
imposition of the Hindu religious identity on him by the various Hindu
law regimes and constitutional provisions of India in violation of his
freedom of thought, conscience and religion. He blogs at
http://hinducasteracism.blogspot.in/ and he can be reached at
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