Guns and Religion. (photo: Albany Times-Union)
The Jamaati, RSS and every religious
fundamentalist theology "is morally mistaken, theologically dangerous,
and religiously repugnant."
was the 84th birthday of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. I don't know
about you, but I miss his words, so I offer a few. King said "people
often hate each other because they fear each other, they fear each other
because they don't know each other, they don't know each other because
they cannot communicate, they cannot communicate because they are
separated." I would add to his words: ‘and in that separation they seek
guns.' As an evangelical Christian, I'm going to make this theological.
The NRA's Dangerous Theology
19 January 13
Wayne LaPierre, executive vice president of the
National Rifle Association, said this as his response to the massacre of
children at Sandy Hook elementary in Newtown, Conn.: "the only thing
that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun."
That statement is at the heart of the problem of gun
violence in America today - not just because it is factually flawed,
which of course it is, but also because it is morally mistaken,
theologically dangerous, and religiously repugnant.
The world is not full of good and bad people; that is
not what our scriptures teach us. We are, as human beings, both good and
bad. This is not only true of humanity as a whole, but we as
individuals have both good and bad in us. When we are bad or isolated or
angry or furious or vengeful or politically agitated or confused or
lost or deranged or unhinged - and we have the ability to get and use
weapons only designed to kill large numbers of people - our society is
in great danger.
As we have just seen again, when such destructive
weapons are allowed to be used out of powerful emotion without restraint
or rules, that is bad. In dangerous situations, we as parents cannot
tell our children they are safe. We cannot, because they are not. After
Sandy Hook many child psychologists were counseling parents like us (I
have a 9-year-old and 14-year-old) to hold and love our children, tell
them they were safe. We can and did hold and love them, but we cannot
tell them they are safe. Not as long as such weapons are available to
human beings when they are acting badly.
When we are good, we want to protect our children -
not by having more guns than the bad people, but by making sure guns
aren't the first available thing to people when they're being bad. Being
good is protecting people and our children from guns that are outside
of the control of rules, regulations, and protections for the rest of
Let me be personal and theological again, this time
with Rev. Phil Jackson, a young pastor from Chicago who I talked with
earlier this week. A young, dynamic street pastor, he told me that
Chicago had 2,400 shootings in 2012 - 505 of them resulting in death.
More than 100 of them were children from elementary to high school.
Almost all of the murdered ones were people and children of color -
African-American and Latino. That's more gun deaths in Chicago than
American troop deaths in Afghanistan last year. One city.
Rev. Jackson thinks that God cares as much about
murdered children of color in Chicago as God cares about murdered white
children in Connecticut. But it seems that mostly the white children get
our attention and break our hearts. He thinks those murdered black and
brown kids also get God's attention as much as murdered white kids. But
he wonders why they don't get ours. It's morally mistaken and also
religiously repugnant.
Finally, what will make a difference this time? Only
two things I can think of. First, is if people of faith respond
differently just because they are people of faith - that our faith
overcomes our politics here, and that gun owners and gun advocates who
are people of faith will act in this situation as people of faith,
distinctively and differently. Second, that we act differently as
parents. What has hit us all so hard - what caused the president's tears
and my own on that day - was looking at all our own kids, feeling their
own fragility. Parents across the spectrum, gun owners or not, must
demand a new national conversation on guns.
I was putting my 9-year-old to bed a few nights ago.
He said, "Dad I heard you talking on the phone about guns and the press
conference you're talking at tomorrow. "
"What do you think about it Jack? What do you think about it Jack?" I asked him.
And here's what Jack said:
"I think that they ought to let people who, like
licensed hunters, have guns if they use them to hunt. And people who
need guns - who need guns for their job like policemen and army. But I
don't think that we should just let anybody have any kind of gun and any
kind of bullets that they want. That's pretty crazy."
I agree with Jack.
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