Monday 8 September 2014
English is a Lethal Language
English is a lethal language
Many people give arguments in favour of English. It is those people who have benefitted by learning English through business with other countries or by going to western countries. These people do not realise that for 96% people who do not do business with foreign countries or have any kind of interaction with foreign countries or who do not go foreign countries for studies or for job, English language is a great burden. School children give more time for learning English as compared to time given for learning all other subjects. Why English should be made such a great burden for learning which they are not likely to use as they are not likely to use in their jobs in Bhaarat or are not going to western countries for jobs.
Moreover see how much money of Bhaaratiya people is going through the drains quite a large number of Engineers and doctors migrate to America, Canada, Australia, England and many other European countries rather than benefitting the Bhaaratiya people. I tis mainly due to Nehru that English has got such a dominant place in Bhaarat relegating all other Bhaaratiya language to inferior position as he never allowed to develop Sanskrit, Hindi, or any other Bhaaratiya language.
English does not allow flourishing other language
Ninety percent of the world’s 5000 – 6000 languages are fated to disappear, says an article in French magazine Le Devoir by Sylvie Moissan. Between 20 and 50 percent of these languages are no longer used in daily life and many of them have never been codified for posterity the article said.
Disappearing languages was the main theme of international gathering of linguists at Quebec City’s Laval University. Discussing the ecology of languages, they agreed that English is the most legal language in the history killing 40% of the languages it has come into contact with. This is according to Michael Krauss’s article, “The world’s languages in crisis” in LANGUAGE” MAGAZINE. Russian which was imposed in the Soviet empire has not done nearly as much damage, only 50 percent of the languages exposed to it have died.
Ms. Moissan quotes Jacques Maurois, director of a publication called Les languages autochthones du Quebec published some time ago by publications du Quebec and produced by Le Conseilde la langue franchise. He makes an analogy between the disappearance of animal and plant species and the pessimistic prognosis for minority languages.
We will see a number of psycho-social problems, because the disappearance of a language also raises the question of ethnic identity. In such a context, the dominance of one language creates a depreciation of the mother tongue, a stigmatization of the linguistic varieties considered inferior or not to mention the increase in delinquency even in suicides all the symptoms we can classify under the word alienation. At the time of colonisation of Canada, there were about 55 native languages. Now only about 5 native languages are in daily use, other languages have either died or in the process of becoming extinct.
No systematic study has been done about the impact of English language on Indian languages, but one thing is very clear that English language has slowed down the growth of all Indian languages considerably. Hindi which should have taken the place of national language has not taken its due place even after 66 years of independence. Similar is the fate of all other Indian languages. If the expected national language cannot get its due place, how other languages can would prosper in the presence of English.
The present situation is, if say hello to English then it becomes good bye to all other things. For preserving and prosperity of Indian languages time has come that we should say hello to Indian languages and goodbye to English language and to the bureaucracy which runs the country with English language.
The linguist who met at Laval University hope to establish research map for tracking threatened languages and to introduce the idea of protective protocols much like those for natural resources and the environment. Some pro-English and English speaking people in Bhaarat want to retain English for ever. They should also try establishing a research map about the effect of English language on the Indian languages and their prosperity and also the effect of English on those dialects which have become extinct in India due to English.
Many states have so slavish mentality that they would prefer the language of ex-colonial masters to be used in state and all over Bhaarat than any native language like Hindi or Sanskrit to be used all over Bhaarat. They keep opposing Hindi and Sanskrit to be used all over Bhaarat.
Vishwa Mohan Tiwari
August 30, 2014
संस्कृत गई तो हमारी संस्कृति गई, तो हम गए !!
अंग्रेजी संस्कृत और संस्कृति दोनों का भक्षण कर रही है और हम ताली बजा रहे हैं।
सब लोग अपनी असहायता प्रकट करते हैं कि हम क्या करें क्योंकि इसके बिना नौकरी नहीं मिलती, और सम्मान भी नहीं मिलता – एक पक्के गुलाम देश की पहचान।
raadhaa bhagat says:
August 5, 2014
सब हिन्दी समाचारों , कार्यक्रमों , चलचित्रों , आदि आदि में उर्दू और अंग्रेज़ी के भरपूर शब्द क्यों होते हैं जब की उर्दू और अंग्रेज़ी के समाचारों , कार्यक्रमों , चलचित्रों , आदि आदि में हिन्दी के शब्द नहीं होते —– विदेशी शब्दों से हिन्दी समृद्ध नहीं लोप हो रही हैं यदि विदेशी शब्दों से हिन्दी समृद्ध होती है तो उर्दू और अंग्रेज़ी को भी हिन्दी शब्दों से समृद्ध होना चाहिए किन्तु उर्दू और अंग्रेज़ी समाचारों , कार्यक्रमों , चलचित्रों , आदि आदि में—–हिन्दी शब्द नहीं होते ———
हिन्दी शब्द लोप जैसे : —-
”विषय” का स्थान ” मुद्दे ” ने ले लिया है और ”विषय” लोप —-
”दुर्घटना” का स्थान ”हादसा” ने ले लिया है और ”दुर्घटना” लोप —-
”झग्गा – सुथन” का स्थान ”सलवार – कमीज़” ने ले लिया है और” झग्गा – सुथन” लोप —-
”प्रति दिन” का स्थान ”रोज़ मरा” ने ले लिया है और ”प्रतिदिन” लोप —-
”अंतराल के पश्चात” का स्थान ”AFTER THE BREAK ” ने ले लिया है और ”अंतराल के पश्चात” लोप —
”चल चित्र” का स्थान ” MOVIE / CINEMA ” ने ले लिया है और ”चल चित्र” लोप —-ऐसे अनेक अनगिनत उदाहरण है
From: Santosh Verma -;
Saturday, August 30, 2014
No matter, how much people do not like English, it is going to be there for variety of reasons.
Even though Modi ji speak very fluent Hindi but in Gujarat after Gujarati, English is seen on bill boards.
Hindi is not seen.
BAPS has very costly temples all over.
These temples in general have English names under the deity, not in Hindi.
Common language is needed. English is spoken and has all kinds of literature-scientific and otherwise.
India has an edge because students speak good English and are educated in English.
We should see India as India is. We should not compare it with other countries.
As regards to Muslim countries, they are in turmoil. We must not take their example in support of Hindi.
Hindi should be promoted but English should not be expelled from India.
I hope that many will agree with me.
Santosh C. Verma - USA
The damage Macaulay did to India
by Francois Gautier October 14, 2006
A country needs people who are proud of their own culture and civilization in order to move forward. That is what true nationalism - as opposed to jingoism - is all about. It also requires an intelligentsia which reflects this pride in its newspapers, books, paintings, sculptures and sports.
But for such overall excellence to be achieved, a country needs intellectuals in contact with their society, who know their roots, who have been groomed in the intricacies, the subtleties and genius of their own culture, while not being blind to its faults. For intellectuals are the ones who shape the psyche of a nation.
In India, we generally find there exists a brilliant intelligentsia, which is at par with most of the Western intelligentsia. Indian intellectuals are fluent in English, write it even better, are cognizant of Western literature; indeed, they can often quote Camus, Sartre, Freud, and Jung; they know the latest trends in the West, have read the latest books, and can converse on any subject on this earth, be it ecology or fashion.
Unfortunately, not only are they totally ignorant of their own culture, but they also look down upon it. Not only have they no idea about the greatness of the Bhagavad Gita, of meditation, of Ayurveda, or pranayama, but they use the best of their talents to run it down, with wit, good English and a nasty and acerbic pen.
These intellectuals are all a product of a man called Macaulay, who, more than 200 years ago, had the brilliant idea to fashion sahibs out of brown-skin natives and make them not only more British than the British, but also make them ashamed of their own culture, spirituality and ethos. When they took over India, the British set upon establishing an intermediary race of Indians, whom they could entrust with their work at the middle level echelons and who could one day be convenient instruments to rule by proxy, or semi-proxy. The tool to shape these British clones was education.
In the words of Macaulay, the pope of British schooling in India: "We must at present do our best to form a class, who may be interpreters between us and the millions we govern, a class of persons Indians in blood and color, but English in taste, in opinions, in morals and in intellects." Macaulay had very little regard for Hindu culture and education: He stated "All the historical information which can be collected from all the books which have been written in the Sanskrit language, is less valuable than what may be found in the most paltry abridgement used at preparatory schools in England."
He further said : "Hindus have a literature of small intrinsic value, hardly reconcilable with morality and full of monstrous superstitions."
It seems today that India's Marxist intelligentsia could not agree more with Macaulay, for his dream has come true: Today, the greatest opponents of Indianised and spiritualized education are the descendants of these brown sahibs; the "secular" politicians, the journalists, the top bureaucrats, the whole westernized cream of India. And what is even more paradoxical, most of them are Hindus!
It is they who, on getting independence, have denied India its true identity and borrowed blindly from the British education system, without trying to adapt it to the unique Indian mentality and psychology; and it is they who are refusing to accept a change of India's education system, which is totally West-oriented and is churning out machines, learning by rote boring statistics which are of little use in life.
And what India is getting from this education is a youth which apes the West: They go to McDonald's, thrive on MTV culture, wear the latest Klein jeans and Lacoste T-Shirts, and in general are useless, rich parasites, in a country which has so many talented youngsters who live in poverty . They will grow up like millions of other Western clones in the developing world, who wear a tie, read The New York Times and perhaps swear by liberalism and secularism to save their countries from doom. In time, the same youth will reach elevated positions and write books and articles which make fun of India; they will preside over human-right committees; be "secular" high bureaucrats who take the wrong decisions and generally do tremendous harm to India, because it has been programmed in their genes to always run their own country down. In a gist, they will be the ones always looking to the West for approval and forever perceive India through the Western prism.
Dr. Murli Manohar Joshi is absolutely right. Indian children should be told about the immense human and spiritual values of their own literature, like we in Europe are brought up on the values of the Iliad and the Odyssey, or the great Greek tragedies. Therefore, education in India has to be more Indianised - it is not a question of being "nationalistic", or "saffron-oriented", as Indian Marxists are fond of saying, but of knowing one's own culture, the Vedas, the Bhagavad Gita, the Ramayana, which in fact, according to many Western scholars, stand among the greatest literaryworks of all times.
At the same time, it is true, as Sri Aurobindo pointed out: "Though we must save for India all that she has stored up of knowledge, character and noble thoughts in her immemorial past, we must also acquire for her the best knowledge that Europe can give her and assimilate it to her own peculiar type of national temperament.
Unfortunately, at a time when the West, sick with antibiotics and a blind medicine which kills more than it cures, is rediscovering the virtues of Ayurveda, every third shop in India sells allopathic prescriptions. When the West, sick with materialism is rediscovering the virtues of Swadeshi, Coca Cola, McDonald, or Ford are given a free hand in India. When the West, amidst violence, depression and stress is rediscovering the virtues of spirituality and pranayama, it is not even taught in Indian schools and universities. When the West, in mortal combat with a religion which says: "Unless you believe in my God, I will kill you," is rediscovering the virtues of the Indian dharma - the only living spirituality left in the world - it is made fun of by India's own intelligentsia. If only they knew on what treasure they are perpetually spitting on!
From: Dr. NC Jain -;
Lord Macauley has predicted about 200years ago that English should be introduced. It is because, we will have Englishmen in future who will be Indians by skin but English by brain& habits. This is what has happened today. India is free on 15th Aug.1947 but not the Indians. We have to struggle a war to make Indians free. India freedom struggle has taken 90 years (1857 to 1947).Let us hope that Indians freedom struggle will not last this much.
Dr N C Jain, 28-8-14
यदि आप अपनी बात देवनागरी में लिखते, तो आप के वैदिक सनातन संस्कृति का सम्मान भी बढ़ता और देश के अधिक लोग जागरूक होते.
From: - ;
While it is true that English is no saving grace, Hindi is neither the national language of Hindustan.
May be people can start with Hindi and slowly Sanskritize it till it merges with Sanskrit.
But if there were to be a national language for us it is Samskrit.
The UPSC's anti-Hindi bias: fresh example
Sunday, August 31, 2014
From: "Krishen Kak"
There has been much in the news recently on the anti-Hindi bias of the UPSC's CSE. Examples included the literal - and nonsensical - translations of English terms into Hindi (
In spite of all the controversy, the UPSC defiantly continues with its anti-Hindi absurdities. Here is a fresh example, from Paper 1 of the CSE (Aug 24) 2014 Prelims.
This is the question in English:
If you walk through countryside, you are likely to see some birds stalking alongside the cattle to seize the insects, disturbed by their movement through grasses.
Which of the following is/are such bird/birds?
1. Painted Stork
2. Common Myna
3. Black-necked Crane
This is the Hindi version of the question:
यदि आप ग्रामीण क्षेत्र से होकर गुज़रते हैं, तो आपको यह देखने को मिल सकता है कि अनेक प्रकार के पक्षी,
चरने वाले पशुओं/भैसों के पीछे-पीछे चलते हैं और उनके घास में चलने से वाले कीटों को पकड़ते हैं।
निम्नलिखित में से कौन-सा / से ऐसा /ऐसे पक्षी है /हैं ?
1. चित्रित बलाक
2. साधारण मैना
3. काली गर्दन वाला सारस
An acknowledged authority on Indian birds was the late Salim Ali, and his "The Book of Indian Birds" is a classic reference. This book gives the Hindi names of Indian birds.
In Hindi, the painted stork is "janghil" according to both Salim Ali and the Government of India (HTTPS://
In Hindi, the common myna is "desi myna" according to both Salim Ali and the Indian Institute of Science (
In Hindi, the black-necked crane is "loharjang" or "loha sarang" according to Salim Ali, and "kutung" according to the Government of India (
The names in Hindi given by the UPSC have no authoritative support. They are clearly mistranslations of the English names. These are preferred by the UPSC even when the Government itself recognizes actual Hindi names.
The correct Hindi answer to this question, therefore, is "none of the above". Yet this is not a listed option.
What can only happen is that the paper is first set in English, a literal translation is made of many nouns, and the UPSC (its mandarins thinking and comparing in English) is satisfied that the paper is correctly translated.
Are you surprised that, therefore, Hindi examinees read such questions in the English and not in the Hindi, and then answer the Hindi one.
This is pure Macaulay -
"We must at present do our best to form a class who may be interpreters between us and the millions whom we govern, -- a class of persons Indian in blood and colour, but English in tastes, in opinions, in morals and in intellect. To that class we may leave it to refine the vernacular dialects of the country, to enrich those dialects with terms of science borrowed from the Western nomenclature, and to render them by degrees fit vehicles for conveying knowledge to the great mass of the population." (
And this exactly what the UPSC does - refines Hindi with mistranslations from English. Hindi speakers must forget "janghil" and learn that that familiar bird is really to be called a "chitrit balaak"? Or has the UPSC confused the Hindi with the Sanskrit, and got even that wrong ("chitrit mahabak" - no.60 at
This UPSC was and remains a macaulayan institution (
It needs to be overhauled, lock, stock and barrel.
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